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Was the prophet sinless?

Infallibility of the Prophets and Messengers: عصمة الأنبياء or عصمة الرسل is an agreed upon aqeedah of the Muslims, athough there is difference of opinion in the details, for example whether they are ...
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Was Musa sinless?

Note that عصمة of the Prophets is agreed upon by the Muslims, however they differed on what it entails and from when it is applicable. For example, according to the Ahlul Sunnah it entails protection ...
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Is there fatwa inerrancy like Papal inerrancy?

In Islam nobody is infallible unless Allah has told us so. In the sunni perspective only Messengers and prophets () are infallible in what ever they need to transfer the message of Allah, but as ...
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Views on the sinlessness of Jesus/Isa

Please refer to my answer to the linked question. The Islamic belief is that all the prophets were without sin, so yes Jesus was also without sin as he was a prophet. Specific traditions about Jesus ...
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Is there fatwa inerrancy like Papal inerrancy?

According to the Ahlus Sunnah, no humans other than the Prophets are infallible: ياأيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم فإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول O ...
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How is this ayah in the Qur'an, Surah 5 Ayah 116, actually rectified, other than 'Allahu a'alam' as it seems that at least two mistakes are made

There are sects which practice Mariolatry, some more directly than others like Collyridianism. Whether or not one sect considers another to be true Christian is irrelevant because the question is ...
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Were all of the Sahaba infallible?

The Sahaba as individuals were not infallible, hence they were able to commit both minor and major sins. العصمة: بمعنى حفظ الله للمكلف من الذنوب مع استحالة وقوعها منه ... فالعصمة بالمعنى الأول لا ...
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Were all of the Sahaba infallible?

The Sahabah were capable of committing sins including major sins. There are examples in the ahadith of Sahabah that committed adultery and were punished for it, and adultery is a major sin without ...
The Z's user avatar
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Views on the sinlessness of Jesus/Isa

According to Shia perspective, all the prophets PBUT are sinless, although being infallible is graded and not all the prophets PBUT are at the same level of infallibility: تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ فَضَّلْنَا ...
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