Is death time predestined or can it be extended by supplication?
Nothing extends or reduces one's lifespan, regardless. This is the opinion that scholars mostly agree upon that when one's time is up, it will not be delayed, as Prophet Nūh ﷺ told his people:
does the argument between Adam(PBUH) and Moses(PBUH) make it that Adam(PBUH) had no free will?
This hadith was compiled in many hadith sources (ibn Hajar counted 10 routes to abu Hurrairah in his fath al-Bary -see here in Arabic-) among them in both Sahihs:
Sahih al-Bukhari
in the book of ...
Relationship between determinism and free will in ISLAM
In Islamic history Mu'tazilites are associated with the doctrine of tafweez or delegation. They believed we decide our fate all on our own without any Divine intervention.
Ash'arites are associated ...
Why isn't striving for betterment considered opposition to Allah's will?
Because Allah has prescribed that people should strive and use the means He created to obtain benefits, doing so is in accordance with His will and does not go against it.
There are people who strive ...
- 31.3k
Islamic view of Qadar and freewill
We have free will. Thus, we are responsible for our actions. Utterances like whether Allah has written our destiny are potentially misleading. Just because He has written it does not mean that He has ...
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