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What does "test you through something of the game that your hands and spears [can] reach" (Qur'an 5:94) mean?

First let me address your last paragraph, hunting isn't per se haram, it is only haram to kill for people who wear Ihram (for any of both 'Omrah or hajj) which is quoted in the next verse: O you ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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6 votes

What are "divining arrows" in Qur'an 5:3 and Qur'an 5:90?

The divining arrows (Al Azlam) is where pagans used arrows to make decisions which they deemed to be "divine answers" from their pagan gods. IslamQA gives a good description of divining ...
Muslimah's user avatar
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Do modern-day Jews, Sabians and Christians have "nothing to fear or to regret" (Qur'an 5:69)?

If they learn of the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and reject him and continue on their original religion, then they will have "fear and regret" in the afterlife. Because rejecting ...
UmH's user avatar
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What does "test you through something of the game that your hands and spears [can] reach" (Qur'an 5:94) mean?

To complement @Medi1Saif's answer, this verse was revealed for a specific occasion when on the Day of Hudaybiyyah, the Muslims were on their way to perform 'umra in a state of ihrām. The test is that ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
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4 votes

Is Indonesian Muslim being Lied to by Al Maidah 51?

A better ayah to use is probably this: The believers should not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers, and whoever does that Allah will have nothing to do with him, except when ...
The Z's user avatar
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Surah Al- Maa'idah, ayat 75

Who are deluded are not Meryem and Isa, but those who developed wrong beliefs about Isa and Allah, even though they were clearly told the truth. If you read and consider the verses 72 to 75 as a ...
yenren's user avatar
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Is Indonesian Muslim being Lied to by Al Maidah 51?

Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country. There should be no non-Muslims running for a governor position in the first place. Imam An-Nawawi in his Sharh said: قال القاضي عياض أجمع العلماء على أن ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
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Is there a concrete reason that Qur'an 5:32 (which prohibits murder) applies to modern-day Muslims?

Firstly, the prohibition of murder is also ordained directly for the Muslims: ولا تقتلوا النفس التي حرم الله إلا بالحق And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden, except by right. — Quran 17:...
UmH's user avatar
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Given that prophets were harmed (Qur'an 3:112), what does "those who have gone astray will not harm you" (Qur'an 5:105) mean?

Verse 5:105 is not talking about physical harm as your question seems to point. Rather; it is talking about the responsibility of the believers: are believers responsible for their actions only? Or ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
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What are "divining arrows" in Qur'an 5:3 and Qur'an 5:90?

Ref Belomancy and Divination. والأزلام للعرب ثلاثة أنواع : منها الثلاثة التي كان يتخذها كل إنسان لنفسه ، على أحدها افعل ، وعلى الثاني لا تفعل ، والثالث مهمل لا شيء عليه ، فيجعلها في خريطة معه ، ...
UmH's user avatar
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What is the background to Jews saying "the hand of Allah is chained" in Qur'an 5:64?

That there is no بدا ie our destiny is set and it can't be changed. In Arabic, the word hand implies power/ability. و في التّوحيد عن الصّادق عليه السلام: في هذه الآية لم يعنوا انّه هكذا و لكنّهم ...
Thaqalain's user avatar
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Does Qur'an 5:82 (Jews have animosity towards believers; Christians are nearest in affection) only apply at the time of the Prophet?

The circumstances of the revelation Ibn Kathir doubted the narration you've quoted in his tafsir saying (My own translation take it carefully): قال علي بن أبي طلحة ، عن ابن عباس : نزلت هذه الآيات ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Does Qur'an 5:48 imply that Allah wants Jews to follow the Torah and Christians to follow the Gospel, instead of the Qur'an?

Does Qur'an 5:48 imply that Allah wants Jews to follow the Torah and Christians to follow the Gospel ... Yes. ... instead of the Qur'an? No. Al-Ma'idah 5:44 clearly stipulates that Allah is ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
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If those who have gone astray will not harm the guided (Qur'an 5:105), why were many Prophets harmed?

Here I think God doesn't speak about the physical harm, instead Allah is referring to a harm of your faith. He is saying that your faith is your responsibility and yours only. The disbelievers will ...
Ismasou's user avatar
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Explanation of ayah 82 of Sura Al-Ma'ida (5 th sura)

How are you sure this verse referring to today's political situation. It could very well be referring to jews of madina and Christian and later became muslim like king Najashi from during the time of ...
sha chow's user avatar
1 vote

How is this ayah in the Qur'an, Surah 5 Ayah 116, actually rectified, other than 'Allahu a'alam' as it seems that at least two mistakes are made

There are sects which practice Mariolatry, some more directly than others like Collyridianism. Whether or not one sect considers another to be true Christian is irrelevant because the question is ...
Qaaf's user avatar
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Why Al-Maidah verse 5:90 described Satan like a real person?

Shaytan (Satan) is an unseen being. When Allah ta'ala says that drinking, gambling, sacrificing to other than Allah, etc. are "defilement from the work of Satan", what that means is that ...
SeekerTruth's user avatar
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Does alliance with disbelievers expel you from Islam?

Praise be to Allah The ayaat you've just recite [Q.S. Al-Ma'idah(5):51] and [Q.S. Ali Imran(3):28] part talks about some problems in the muamala chapter with non-Muslims. The word allies (أَوْلِيَاءَ )...
Ibnu's user avatar
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Which disease did 'Isa cure?

While ibn Kathir in his tafsir says that al-Abras الأبرص is known. And made some details about the interpretation of al-Akmah الأكمه: (And I heal him who is Akmah) meaning, 'a person who was born ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Surah Al- Maa'idah, ayat 75

I will explain your quote to the best of my knowledge: The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. This shows that 'Isa () was one of Allah's ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Do modern-day Jews, Sabians and Christians have "nothing to fear or to regret" (Qur'an 5:69)?

In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Your question: Do modern day Jews, Christians and Sabians have nothing to fear or to regret? That depends on each person, because some ...
Alex A's user avatar
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Does "whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed" (Qur'an 5:45) only apply to judges (qadi)?

One may answer this by logic in the following way: If we accept and believe that Allah is just, then his shari'a is just so seeking an award outside of Allah's rulings must be a kind of injustice and ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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