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Questions tagged [muslim-practices]

is about things Muslims do in their daily life be it according to shari'a or not.

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13 votes
1 answer

Sex Education for Muslims children? Who's responsibility is it?

This is a sensitive topic and I am sure many of us (including me) were never educated about sex, puberty, adolescence etc. In fact in Muslim society, anything slighly related to the opposite gender (...
muslim1's user avatar
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What is the shari'a ruling regarding removing personal belongings when praying in a mosque?

I have seen many times that people while praying in a mosque remove their belongings like wallet, watch, spectacles etc and keep it on the ground in front of them and pray salat. Is this the right ...
Ashu's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Is the "PBUH" suffix used for any women?

I've seen PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) added as a suffix to many prominent males who are highly respected in Islam, e.g. Muhammad, Jesus, etc. My question is whether there are any women who have Peace Be ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Do I need to learn Arabic to become a practicing Muslim?

I am an American who recently converted. But I only know English and I have a Qur'an that is English only. I have memorized most of the everyday sayings in Arabic. But I was wondering if I have to ...
user8860's user avatar
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Can a muslim practice yoga?

Considering the origins and the foundations of the yoga, can a muslim practice yoga as body activity instead as a set of tenets and beliefs?
MFS's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Is it right or wrong - "Assalamualaikum"?

Some days ago, I came to know that "Inshallah" is wrong and the correct one is "In shaa Allah". Similarly, Are these right or wrong? Assalamualaikum. Jazak Allahu Khairun. Alhamdulillah. Subhan ...
Kabir Hossain's user avatar
6 votes
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Can a Muslim be actor?

If a Muslim can be actor, is there anything about acting that a Muslim must avoid to do? Can males and females act in the same stage together? In what situations they're allowed and in what ...
MFS's user avatar
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Intolerance in muslims [closed]

If you read the question carefully I ask Intolerance in "Muslims" and not Islam. Islam is one of the most tolerant religions of all, but one thing that's oxymoron is intolerance in Muslim fanatics. I ...
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6 votes
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Did Prophet Muhammad really believe what he said is the word of God?

I want to make a disclaimer first. I am not a follower of Islam or any other religion for that matter. I like to maintain a neutral perspective. I've been reading this book No God but God by Reza ...
Bibek_G's user avatar
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Why do Muslims say Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar for 33 times after daily prayers?

Muslims say Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar for 33 times after each daily prayer (salat). What do these words mean and what is the reason for saying them? Also, why exactly 33 times ?
SpiderRico's user avatar
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Are people with disabilities still responsible for acts of worship?

For example, is a person missing a leg, still responsible for 5 times salat a day? Or a person with mental illness - is he still responsible for any religious duties that a normal person has, or do ...
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Is it permissible to split a 4-rakat farz salat into two 2-rakat farz salat?

Can we break longer rakat (farz or sunnat) into shorter ones i.e instead of performing 4 farz rakat of zuhar altogether, can I break them down into two parts of 2 farz rakat? Note that I am not ...
Sara's user avatar
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Doubt about the Prophethood of Mohammad because of his marriages

I have doubts about Mohammad being a messenger from Allah. I am troubled by him having 13 wives and his marriage to Aisha at the young age of 9. Can someone explain these to me and help resolve my ...
Liyah's user avatar
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Is it Sunnah to light up agarbatti (perfumed incense sticks) after someone dies?

In South India, Muslims light up agarbathi after someone dies. Is it a Islamic practice?
money-printer's user avatar
4 votes
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What does Islam say about changing one's citizenship to protect our family's faith?

I want my future family to have a good Islamic environment. From the Islam perspective, is it allowed for me to change citizenship or would it be better for me to make my home country better? ...
Azhar's user avatar
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Why the women should be covered when praying?

As far as I know, the women should be covered (متحجبة) when praying, I understand that the women should be covered when meeting other people, but when she is "meeting" God, does that make sense? God ...
ilyes kooli's user avatar
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What is the consequence for breaking a promise made in the name of Allah?

I sometimes find myself wasting time on the computer, or watching movies when I have work to do. What I do then is swear in Allah's name that until a task is done (some tasks take a few months) that I ...
evthim's user avatar
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Sleep all day in ramadan

Can we just sleep all day(from sahoor to aftar) in Ramadan and woke up only for farz namaz is it permissible? I was listening to one of the Alim he said it is completely fine sleeping all day in ...
Saba N's user avatar
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Is it mandatory to eat beef (Cow meat) in Islam?

There's political unrest in India, Hindus opposing beef (Cow meat) and Cow Slaughter and some Muslims rejecting it. Some Muslims supported beef ban for peace but Some Muslims are stubborn to not ban ...
Bharat's user avatar
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Is Islam or Muslims anti-Semitic?

Recently watched Schindler's list(1993), and I've been scarred for life.How did the world let this happen? How did Muslims let this happen? Aren't we Muslims supposed to be a blessing to this world? I ...
dsfads's user avatar
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Is it haram to have attractiveness as a criteria when marrying someone?

Assalamu Alaikum. So I have a question regarding attraction in Islam. Is it haram, when you’re seeking and wishing to marry someone, to have sexual attraction as a criteria? Because, and this is just ...
Mokmad 's user avatar
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Is it necessary to take-off the shoes while entering any religious place?

Is it necessary to take-off the shoes while entering any religious (Islamic) site/place e.g. a mosque? If so, why? I don't find the argument saying that is because it's unclean, technically correct. ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
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How should one react to being wronged by someone that is heedless and takes advantage of Allah's mercy?

Salam, I have a personal question. I was severely wronged by someone. He's also Muslim, all is okay now and I believe he's asked for forgiveness. How does this go about in terms of being recompensed?...
Nour's user avatar
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How can we tell non Muslim male guests to be wary of urine drops? [closed]

In Islam, men should sit down to pass water (urinate) as this avoids urine sprinkles / droplets going on the clothes, body, seat and floor. We aren't accustomed to cleaning up urine except for small ...
user25653's user avatar
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Is Islam a religion only revealed for Arabs?

As salaam walaikum, I am a revert to Deen e Islam. There is a Christian I know who said to me that Islam, unlike Christianity, is not an universal religion. I argued with him how. He said our Quran e ...
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Is it permitted to leave Eid salah before the Khutbah?

The Eid salah is the reverse of Jumu'ah in that it's the salah then Khutbah not Khutbah then salah. I read you must stay until the end of the Khutbah but is there a valid view to leave after the salah ...
user28017's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a contagious Muslim exempt from Haj?

It seems that Saudi Arabia is denying men from Ebola-infected areas entry:
dotancohen's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do some mothers from the sub continent spent the first 40 days after child birth at their mother's place?

Why do some mothers from the sub continent spent the first 40 days after child birth at their mother's place? I was also told they are allowed to miss their prayers and fasts because of 'Nifaas' - ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is there any Islamic basis for giving food when someone completes recitation of the Qu'ran or when someone dies?

In Bengali culture, it is accustomed to give 'Shinni' (any food) to friends and family when one finishes recitation of whole Qur'an or when someone dies. Is there any Islamic reasoning behind this or ...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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Is Salaat an-Nabi (Darood) acceptable before Adhaan?

Some Muslims do this practice of reciting the Salaat an-Nabi or "Darood Sharif" as it is called in the Indian subcontinent. Is this halaal according to the Book of Allah (the Qur'an) and the Sunnah ...
user26506's user avatar
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Should a girl wear the headscarf before puberty?

Some parents tell their girls (say aged 5 and upwards) to wear the headscarf when out for example in a non Muslim school in a non Muslim country. Is this right in Islam or should it only be enforced ...
user27336's user avatar
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How do I do namaz if I am a student? [duplicate]

How I do salat/namaz being a student? My school time begins at 9am and ends at 3:30pm, hence is it obligatory for me to do namaz? I am 17 yrs old and in 10th class. Please help!
Amlan's user avatar
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If a company is owned by both Muslims and non-Muslims, how can one pay zakat on the "company's savings"?

Nowadays, it is common place to have partnerships in a company owned by both Muslims and non-Muslims. How is the Muslim partner liable for zakat if the company funding is not in his direct funding but ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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A sect call Muslims outsiders "Wahhabi". Allowed?

An Indo-Pak Sufi sect call Muslims outside their group Wahhabis because of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab as he called many of their practices innovations with no basis on Qur'an and Sunnah. Any Muslim ...
user26232's user avatar
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Why are muslims circumcised when Allah created him in that way?

Allah knows the best. He created human beings as the best creation. Question: If He wanted human to be circumcised then why didn't He make the human circumcised automatically in birth? Aren't we ...
Santanu Debnath's user avatar
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Why saying "jummah mubarakah" or "eid mubarak" is considered a bidah (innovation)?

It came to a shock on me that saying have a blessed jummah (Friday) is an innovation in Islam because it has never been said by the sahabis nor by our beloved prophet (saw).
Adam's user avatar
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What does Islam say when the husband barely provides for the expenditure and expects the wife to take the financial burden?

I earn more than my husband. My husband's family is needy too. He send half of his earning to his family. But I am the person responsible for house, bills, food etc important for life. He pays ...
FATEMA BEGUM's user avatar
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Are syncretic adaptations of folk practices forbidden?

I come from the Balkans and I have been curious about a certain folk practice among the Muslims of that region: it could be translated as "rinsing of fears". It is usually performed on young ...
amphibient's user avatar
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Is women hair cutting prohibited in Islam? [duplicate]

I have searched but didn't get any exact answer that, Are women allowed to cut hairs in Islam? Only cutting of hairs from bottom is prohibited? Or to make hairs like boy cut is prohibited?
Ahmad Ali's user avatar
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Is there an agreement on the Prophet's birth date?

Is there a disagreement on the popular date of 12 Rabi' Al-Awwal among scholars or among pro-Mawlid Muslims? Are the Fatimids the origin of the date of 12 Rabi' Al-Awwal?
user26943's user avatar
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How did the prophet teach others?

In my city children are taught in (mainly) two different ways: they are taught really strictly or not taught at all. Ive seen some people who grow up very conservative but when they hit their late ...
M.A's user avatar
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Is it permissible to maintain a personal diary or journal?

I was recently informed that it is frowned upon to keep a personal journal because: 1) There is a possibility of your sins being exposed to others 2) There is a possibility of unintentionally ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is this method of raising index finger in tashahhud correct?

With my right hand, I create a ring with my thumb and middle finger and raise the index finger from the very start of the tashahhud and drop it just before the tasleem. It is kept pointing towards the ...
user28703's user avatar
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Is it compulsory to recite short duas in Arabic?

I wanted to know if the short duas, like while travelling, while getting on a vehicle, while entering/exiting toilets, making decision for wudu/salat, etc are compulsory to be said in Arabic or could ...
Amlan's user avatar
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Is taking shoes off on home entry a Sunnah?

We take shoes off for the mosque but many also do so for their home to keep it clean. Is this a Sunnah however?
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Making a (worldly) task obstacle for salat

I understand that salat is an important or perhaps the most important pillar of Islam. Whenever we have to choose between performing salat and an worldly task, definitely we must choose salat. I ...
Masroor's user avatar
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What kind of istinja is permissible in Islam?

I want to know what kind of istinja (paper/water/other??) is allowed in Islam in the following 2 situations: Situation 1: When someone is healthy/not sick. Situation 2: When someone is sick. Please ...
Tassisto's user avatar
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Is it allowed to ask questions politely to the imam during his preach?

I've wondered a long time but never took my courage in both hands to ask a question. And then I just left with my questions and ask them to other muslims who couldn't give me a sufficient answer. So ...
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Is it permissible to hurt or insult the people who didn’t fast?

In my country, some muslims had went out in the street with sticks and they were looking in the hotels and restaurants for people who didn’t fast and they insulted them in front of the whole country (...
Mehedi Hasan 's user avatar
1 vote
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Listening or read Quran while naked

Is listening to Quran while naked allowed? Is reading Quran while naked allowed? Naked in this case, means, at least there is underwear on. Please cite authentic reference with answer.
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