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Questions tagged [prophet-muhammad]

Born in Mecca; believed by Muslims to be the last prophet sent down by Allah (SWT) to mankind.

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Extremely authentic and crystal clear hadiths on k!lling dogs - how do we come to peace with it?

Sahih Muslim #2015 Maimuna reported that one morning Allah’s Messenger was silent with grief. Maimuna said: Allah’s Messenger, I find a change in your mood today. Allah’s Messenger said: Gabriel had ...
Hard shell's user avatar
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I am an employee being an admin but I have done arti what should I do now [duplicate]

I am an employee being an admin of the company but I have to do arti I am Muslim girl now what should I do
Shifa Khan's user avatar
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Who is the Author of the Quran, Hadith [closed]

Why was the Quran written by Caliph Usman, hadiths were written by Muhammad Al-Bukhari? Why the Qur'an uses characters from TANAH and the Gospel.
Din Yanker's user avatar
-6 votes
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Muslims say Jewish & Christian scriptures are 'corrupted', so why wasn't Mohammed given a full uncorrupted version besides the Quran? [closed]

About the supposed corruption/tahrif of Torah/Tanakh/Old Testament or Gospel/Bible/New Testament, Allah doesn't strike me as a LAAETTR kinda deity, so I'm wondering why there isn't an explicit verse ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How did Saint Joseph not make it to the Quran?

I ask from a secular or historical-critical perspective. Did Muhammad conflate Saint Joseph and Saint Joachim? Did Muhammad conflate Saint Joseph and God the Father? Did Muhammad only have access to ...
user50793's user avatar
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Do we have any proof of hadiths?

Assalamualaikum, i have a question please answer, in the Quran it never mentions anything about "hadiths" and "Sunnah" is not also mentioned, the word Sunnah is mentioned but it ...
Sana's user avatar
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Cursing on the prophets name

If you have cursed someone's name who is Muhammad can you still be forgiven. I mean a curse word and then Muhammad. The intention was not to mock Islam or the holy prophet it was only meant for the ...
Nitrixss Cool's user avatar
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Arab Supremacy in hadith?

Malice for the Bani Haashim (migrants) and Ansaar is kufr (heresy) whilst malice for the Arabs is hypocrisy.’ [Tabarani in Al-Kabir, Vol. 11, Page 118, Hadith 11312] The best of the people are the ...
Allah lover's user avatar
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Mercy of the world [duplicate]

Why Muhammad sm changed policy of tolerance of injustice to the policy of establishing justice by killing the culprits who were doing injustice to Muslims.
shamsur rahman's user avatar
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what does this mean when you pray for something not to happen, but still that thing happen in a big way?

Whenever I pray to Allah swt to make things good and make a particular thing easy for me and solve the issue in a better way, then only after few days something bad happens about that issue. Else it ...
Ashiya Ali's user avatar
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Why did our prophet (ﷺ) get annoyed when being asked about his fasting in muslim 1162?

"Abu Qatada reported that a person came to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said:How do you fast? The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) felt annoyed. When 'Umar (Allah be pleased with him) noticed his ...
Musab571's user avatar
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When to say Bismillah

I know it sounds like a stupid question but we all know that we’re supposed to say bismillah before eating anything but let’s say that you say bismillah before you eat a meal and then you get up and ...
Salma 's user avatar
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Is it true that the angel didnt introduce himself to the prophet muhammed pbuh when he first revealed allah’s message to him

If this is true, could that mean that the angel wasnt jibril?
iln n's user avatar
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Did prophet Muhammad know Aramaic/Hebrew or any other languages?

Is there any source or reference or evidence about the languages in which the Prophet Muhammad was fluent? Specially that Quran is very much inspired by the Old Testament.
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Position of Muhammad (PBUH) under Khadija

We know that apart from becoming husband of Khadija, Muhammad (PBUH) did job under her. What was the name of the position of that job? (I understand there was no recruitment advertisement or job ...
Kawrno's user avatar
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Marriage and its rights [duplicate]

Assalamualaikum I want to ask that if a couple is engaged can they do a hidden nikah for making further things halal on them ?? Is it permissible for us to chat meet and so on ??
Nafia khan's user avatar
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Prophet Muhammad worship in Cave Hira

As per this hadith, it is mentioned that "He used to go in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he used to worship (Allah alone) continuously for many days before his ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Did prophet Muhammad have a slave? [duplicate]

السلام ءليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته I have a question of the Hadith: Sunan an-Nasa'i 3959. This Hadith demonstrates that Muhammad saw had intercourse with a female slave. Does this mean that prophet ...
Meryem's user avatar
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Is the following verse: “he found you lost and guided you” 93:8 addressed only to the prophet saw or for all Muslims?

I recently had a discussion with a close relative and he believes that this verse is only applicable for the prophet saw whereas I believe that this addresses all the Muslims . Could anyone confirm ...
crisis-009's user avatar
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I want to know about the story about Qiyamat, The Dayvof Judgement I Listen when I was young

I don't remember Many things. But form what I remember is During the day of judgement A Lot of prophet are worrying about their own problem when the human or a group of human IDK ask them about like ...
Thura Aung's user avatar
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Can buraq, the heavenly creature fly?

Other questions on this site site suggest buraq was left at aqsa after isra(journey by night on land) Did earlier prophets also travel on buraq? If the creature could fly to heavens, it could have ...
Random_User's user avatar
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Why does allah swt say he made prophet muhammad a.s indepedent even though prophet muhammad a.s still needs him

In this verse it says (Ad-Duha 93:1–11) Prophet muhammad Pbuh still needs Allah swt but why did allah swt say he made him indepedent?
moh moh's user avatar
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Do the muslimah at the time of prophet qualify as female companions?

Sahabi as explained by majority of scholars is a person who met prophet, accepted Islam and died in the state of Islam. I am hesitant to call the non mahrams, except wives of prophet as female ...
Random_User's user avatar
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Did Hadrat Muhammad (SAW) marry any slave?

He had intercourse with slave but did he marry any slave? Can you tell me names of his slave wives?
Resonance's user avatar
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Explanation of verse 24:62

The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger and, when they are [meeting] with him for a matter of common interest, do not depart until they have asked his permission. Indeed, ...
Insan's user avatar
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How many times did wahy come on each Prophet?

Adam As Nuh As Eesa As Musa As and Our Prophet SAW
Halima Valsadi's user avatar
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Why did allah send prophet mohammad in the 7th century

Im muslim but i want to understand this please, why did allah send prophet muhammad saw in the 7th century and not in the modern times where we could gather evidences of him and his miracles by our ...
Learningtocode's user avatar
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When the angel Gabriel first came to the Prophet, how did he know that it was an angel from Allah? Are there any written explanations?

When the angel Gabriel first came to the Prophet to reveal the Qur’an, how did the Prophet know that it was an angel from Allah? Are there any written explanations?
user354948's user avatar
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Is there any physical description of the Prophet while the Qur’an was being revealed to him?

Is there any physical description of the Prophet while the Qur’an was being revealed to him? I mean his body posture, eyes open or closed, etc. Were there multiple witnesses with him when he was in ...
user354948's user avatar
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Why is it prohibited to wear ring on index and middle finger?

Assalamualaikum, I have heard that wearing a ring on index and middle finger is prohibited in islam for men. The question is why is it prohibited, and if i still wear it on my index finger, then am I ...
aiman's user avatar
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What specialty of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is meant in 33:50?

What exactly is meant by the bold part in the below verse: O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses ...
user28534's user avatar
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How many children did prophet Muhammad have?

Assalamualaikum, I'm actually confused, I have found in Internet that prophet had 6 children (4 daughters and 2 sons),another place it say he had actually 7 children(4 daughters and 3 sons],which one ...
Mst Masuma Akter's user avatar
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Who is the target of the prohibition of graphical representations of Allah and Muhamad? [duplicate]

Who is the prohibition addressed to? Believers, or everyone? In other words, is it a requirement of faith where Muslims are themselves banned from the action, or whether they should also actively seek ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is there any Deobandi sheikh clamid to meet the prophet in person?

I've been watching Uthman Ibn Farooq dabate. He stated that there are some sects of Deobandies that believe the prophet Muhammad(swa) is physically alive and is meeting their sheikhs in person and ...
seeker's user avatar
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Was prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) chosen as the last messenger only just Allah wanted to or he was worthy of this position by his deeds?

Please don’t be offended by this question. I'm just wondering about it and if you could answer this - it would be better. My question is "was the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) literally ...
IPman's user avatar
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Why didn't Muhammad execute the Jew who poisoned him?

Narrated Anas bin Malik: A Jewess brought a poisoned (cooked) sheep for the Prophet (ﷺ) who ate from it. She was brought to the Prophet and he was asked, "Shall we kill her?" He said, "...
Davir Lun's user avatar
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Muhammad's Title as Ruler?

What was Muhammad's title as ruler of Medina? Looking at his titles, I can't see the one about his temporal governance.
Davir Lun's user avatar
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Is Muhammad the firstborn of creation?

I have heard some state that the light of Muhammad was the first creation of Allah and that everything else was created from Muhammad's light. Is this true?
Davir Lun's user avatar
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Is Muhammad's tribe eminent?

"Wathila b. al-Asqa’ reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily Allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of Isma’il and he granted eminence ...
Obumer Sur's user avatar
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On Nabi Muhammad’s ﷺ Genealogy

I read articles about Nabi Muhammad's ﷺ genealogy and they say that Salma bint Amr is a Jewish woman from Banu Najjar tribe. Sayyid A. Amiruddin said in his website that Banu Najjar is a Jewish clan ...
Yaseen's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Embrace Islam and you will be safe" in the Prophet's letter to the Emperor of the Byzantines?

The Prophet had sent the letter to Heraclius: In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. From Muhammad, the slave of Allah, and His Apostle, to Heraculius, the Ruler of the ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Why is it Mandatory to say “Peace be upon Him” whenever mentioning the Prophets name but not Subhanahu wa ta'ala whenever mentioning Allah’s name?

I always see PBUH (Peace be upon him) after the names of the Prophet but not SWT ( Subhanahu wa ta'ala) after Allah’s name. Is there a reason for this?
nomoreafterparties's user avatar
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The Asbab Al-Nuzul (Historical Background) of Surah 4:157

Does anyone know the historical background behind 4:157, and if so can you link a source w/ the Arabic? Thanks!
Bob's user avatar
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What are the islamic sources that relate about India or Hinduism?

Surely the thousands of Nabi's and Rassul's that appeared before Muhammad (saws) were not preaching the exact same precepts as Islam, at least because they were sent to totally different people. Of ...
Charaf's user avatar
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What's the genealogy record of the Islamic prophet Muhammad that connects him to Ishmael? What's its authenticity?

Quran often refers to the previous books such as Torah, Zaboor, and Injeel. Those books do contain genealogies that authenticate prophets that were sent by God. Muslims do believe that Muhammad was ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
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Did the prophet used to wash his dishes and help do chores around the house like sweeping?

Did the prophet used to wash his dishes and help do chores around the house like sweeping? I tried looking up the question on Google but I did not find any answer so I came to ask here😇
فاياد دانيلز's user avatar
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How do we know quran is from god

How do we know that the quran is from god, and, before you tell me something like all the scientific accuracy of it, my real question is, how do we know it is from god, and not another being, that, is ...
ProNoob's user avatar
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why was Prophet Muhammad surprised to see Jibril?

Okay, so i can't understand one thing, that is when angel jibril came down on cave hira the first time, why was the prophet [PBHU]so shocked, didn't he have his breast open and heart taken out already ...
X caliber's user avatar
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The implications of twelver /ithna Ashari belief that fadak was gift /endowment to fatima?

I recently learnt that fadak was an endowment to fatima by the prophet of Islam and abu bakr confiscated it as per twelver Fadak came under prophet/muslims in 628 CE.
Ibn Kaleemullah's user avatar
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Which Story was True Honey or Slave? [duplicate]

(First Story) - Sahih Muslim 1474 a A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrated that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) used to spend time with Zainab daughter of Jahsh and drank honey at her house. She ('A'isha ...
Harris's user avatar
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