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Questions tagged [islamic-basis]

Use this tag for those questions which seek to find what, if any, basis a common practice or belief has in Islamic fundamentals, or if it is just a cultural tradition (e.g. "folk Islam").

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Why do I feel betrayed?

I know this sounds wrong. Currently, I feel heavily discouraged in life. I’ve been on my deen; I’ve been doing my best to stay away from sin. I had conversations with Allah, and I believe he has shown ...
qvit's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Muslims say Jewish & Christian scriptures are 'corrupted', so why wasn't Mohammed given a full uncorrupted version besides the Quran? [closed]

About the supposed corruption/tahrif of Torah/Tanakh/Old Testament or Gospel/Bible/New Testament, Allah doesn't strike me as a LAAETTR kinda deity, so I'm wondering why there isn't an explicit verse ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Are fiction books haram?

I've seen people saying that it’s haram because it contains lie and talks about the unseen, but we know we don’t believe in it and I havn’t found a truly good answer. Olease help me.
Lilya Bba.'s user avatar
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I put a comment jesus is god without meaning it [duplicate]

I put a comment on instagram "jesus is god" just to troll , I'm a muslim and I did it out of stupidity, I deleted the comment right after Did I commit shirk? I hope allah forgives me
Isact Iso's user avatar
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Relating the crescent moon with islam

Can someone please tell me how the crescent moon became a symbol of Islam (with valid sources) and why it is placed on top of most mosques. I would also like a refutation to what this person is ...
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-2 votes
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Did Allah Creat Only Quran ? Did Allah Stop creating after Quran ? Are Allah's Signs/evidences Only in Quran?

Selamin Aleikum. Just questions to trigger some thinking. Peace.
goodwillact's user avatar
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Proving the existence of Muhammad saw and the four caliphs

So we have those non Muslims claiming that there is no historical evidence for the existence of our prophet pbuh and the four caliphs ra and they say the quran was written down by a group of people, ...
fjafjjf jfnjawfn's user avatar
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How can one teaches business from Quran or hadith to be self sustained

Islam is answer to everything in life, yet our education fail to teaches us that. I was wondering if there are any verse or books in Islam teaching trade or business. I am 9-5 employee and lose my ...
localhost's user avatar
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Wudhu before Prophet Muhammed sws

Did Prophets before Prophet Muhammed sws do wudhu and if they did do we have evidence proof?
Abdurrahman Shaikh's user avatar
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My younger sister calls me “didi” is it appropriate in islam

My younger sister calls me by “didi”.is it appropriate in islam
Tamanna Islam's user avatar
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Do reverts really need to say the shahadah in arabic? tells the shahadah can be affirmed in its meaning. The following are instances in Quran & sunni corpus where people ...
Shafi's user avatar
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Is uttering of Testimony a condition to enter Islam?

The common practice seen or heard of people entering Islam is by uttering the twin declarations. Since a deaf or mute person who wants to enter Islam cannot say these testimonies, I was trying to ...
Shafi's user avatar
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Can i marry my grandfather's cousin's son? [duplicate]

I want to know is it permissible in islam to marry my grandfather's cousin's son. My grandfather is from my mother side.
Sadiya Ahamed's user avatar
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Upon burial, Staying at Grave of Father in Law and reciting for some time? [duplicate]

Assalam o Alaikum! Recently my father in law passed away, and my wife asked me to be at his grave upon burial on her behalf and recite for some time as reflected from posts about the time taken for ...
Nouman Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Can i use others YouTube video for my youtube channel for non commercial purpose

Can I upload other's YouTube videos on my YouTube channel after doing a little editing....I am not using these videos for commercial it legal for me...if I can upload the video on my ...
Faimly Hut's user avatar
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How to get get rid of baddua

I want something very eagerly and my mom cursed me that no matter what you want you won't get it, she gave me baddua and I am so scared, how do I get rid of that please help
Shristy 's user avatar
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confusion Memory of Quran or Translate

I tried to memorize the Holy Qur'an in my childhood, but it didn't work. I used to forget the lesson after 2 days, but I completed the memorization and counted myself among the Quran memorizers, but ...
umarhayat's user avatar
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What to do if one's father is toxic & forces to marry someone who is not suitable in both POV islamic and worldly?if refused he abuses his wife & kids

My father wants us all 4 siblings to marry his brother's sons and daughter. And they are not even educated , they dont even pray and are very far away from islam .they dont even have jobs ,not a home ,...
Ayesha Bashir's user avatar
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what do i have to do if break a wallahi

when i was 8-10 i used to break wallahis all the time but now I have realized I did a very bad thing, for example I said wallahi ill give u this for example a pokemon card, but I did it multiple times ...
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Did Islam have point completions during the times of respective prophets?

Quran 5:3 tells the religion is completed. We cannot assume that Allah gave incomplete religions to followers of prophet Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, musa and eesa. Does the below report of bukhari support ...
Random_User's user avatar
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Backbiting : doubts on it

Assalamualaikum, recently, i have learned that backbiting is a major sin. I have doubts on it & some more issues added based on islam.Here they are: Doubt 1. If i backbit someone accidentally or ...
anika nowshin's user avatar
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Introducing kids to namaz as a regular

What is the right way to make kid who turned 8 pray regularly? Fajr is early so they are sleeping, at zhur they r at school, they come back at asr. What is the way Islam has mentioned to make kids ...
localhost's user avatar
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Today i found this in my water bottle can someone please translate this gor me nd tell me that what is this gor?

Found this tavez in my water bottle
Zahoor's user avatar
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Can I perform Wudu whilst in the shower?

I’ve heard some people mention that you cannot make wudu if your hair or feet are wet beforehand, but don’t know if this opinion is authentic
steels's user avatar
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Renewing my Shahada

I repeated a joke of a Muslim joking with a passenger on a plane to scare him saying Allah Akbarnow I feel like it was prohibited do I renew my shahada or just continue to ask for forgiveness
Aesira's user avatar
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durood shareef upon the prophet (SAW) and Ibrahim

When im reading durood shareef I say, "Allahuma salli alla Muhammed" but I hear other people saying "Allahuma salli alla Muhammedin" instead. Which way is correct?
rondizzle's user avatar
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Polygyny and intimacy between wives living under one roof

Is it permissible for me to hear when my husband and co wife are having intercourse? And for him to visit our rooms naked from another’s room? It’s emotionally and mentally draining me to be honest.
Anonymous 's user avatar
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Inquiring legality of istisna mode of transaction

If I am ordering something for manufacturing based on my unique custom needs, like furniture for example, without providing material by my side, I want to know regarding payment options I have with me....
Isl's user avatar
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Do Arabs really speak with lengthened sounds?

In Tajweed, especially in this YouTube Channel, it is emphasized that some sounds should be lengthened up to 4 seconds. I am not a linguist, and I am not a historian. Yet I know many languages in ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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What kind of ritual is performed on the second year after death

It'll soon be a second anniversary of my dad's death. I'm talking with my cousin who lives in Afghanistan using google translate and he told me that they will hold a prayer on that day. I was hoping ...
NascentSoul's user avatar
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Is growing a beard only appropriate for the elderly?

According to RFERL, in Turkmenistan Mosque-goers say imams have begun preaching to their congregations that growing a beard is only appropriate for older men who have reached retirement age. I see ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Name in the hereafter

Salam alaikum. I am wondering what our names will be in jannah for example some people have several names because of culture reasons like mine for example when I was first born it was Zahra, then my ...
Zaraaa's user avatar
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Is there anything like lessening the fasting in terms of strong fasting / reward besides invalidation of the fasting?

In my locality, people have the belief that besides some actions that invalidates fasting there are some other actions too that makes someone's fasting weak or lessen in reward or if the fast without ...
Mehedi Hasan 's user avatar
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Are my past good deeds erased?

I have been a good Muslim and a bad Muslim. Throughout the years I've been to 'omra (a few times) and hajj (once) and read the whole Quran (once) but also been neglecting prayer and doing sin (...
Have Patience's user avatar
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Is it recommended to memorize the Quran without understanding the words?

Is there any hadith or Quranic ayat which encourages just memorizing Quran without understanding it? In our country Pakistan, it is a well established common thing to memorize Quran but those people ...
Sireiz's user avatar
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If Allah forgives all sin, why should I do any good deeds?

I am asking this question not from a personal point of view, but more philosophically. I often come across Muslims who are openly committing every type of sin, and they justify it by saying, "...
John's user avatar
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What are the Sunni Schools of Islamic theology?

What are the Sunni Schools of Islamic Theology, a brief introduction to their views, similarities/differences and origin. The Sunni Schools of Islamic Theology are : Athari Muʿtazila Ashʿarīyyah ...
AbduRahman's user avatar
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Are jinn scared of iron?

I have seen mentioned in various sources (e.g. Wikipedia) that the jinn are vulnerable to and/or afraid of iron, however I have not been able to find proper references to where this belief originates ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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Understanding the recent incident over Nupur Sharma statement from authentic & religious people in this group [duplicate]

Gist of the issue: Regarding the nupur sharma incident, it is said she just mentioned what was in the Quran. So if that's the case then why there's so much backlash? What was wrong from her part? ...
Varun Krish's user avatar
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Are the pillars of islam same from times of adam?

There are many instances in Quran and ahadith which mention earlier prophets prayed, gave zakah, did hajj. prayers and zakaat. Quran 19:30-34. Hajj. Quran 22:27. The first pillar was always the same . ...
Ibn Kaleemullah's user avatar
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Can we question about topic in Quran? I mean publicly scholars would say Islam is all about questions bt when we ask they say accept what is written

For eg Beating of wives is not acceptable..but when i question it they would give me answers unacceptable. Similarly women not allowed to marry non muslim men when we question it they say accept what ...
Umul's user avatar
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The Asbab Al-Nuzul (Historical Background) of Surah 4:157

Does anyone know the historical background behind 4:157, and if so can you link a source w/ the Arabic? Thanks!
Bob's user avatar
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Does Islam allow the sale of Muslim real estate to a Jew?

In Israel, Hamas doesn't allow Palestinians to sell their houses to Jews. I'm wondering if this is based on Islam. CORRECTION: it’s the PA that doesn’t allow sale to Jews.
Bob Barr's user avatar
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'Intellect' - is it a matter of the heart or brain in Islam?

This may sound like a very philosophical question but my only concern is to understand what Islam says about intellect. With so many Quranic verses and Hadith mentioning the importance of having a ...
Hatedseeker's user avatar
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What will happen if a Muslim doesn't wants to follow the five pillars of Islam?

If a person who is either born in or converted to Islam, doesn't want to follow the fundamentals (five pillars e.g Imaan, Namaz, Roza, Zakat, and Hajj) of Islam, then what will happen, what our ...
Rashid's user avatar
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Is "Zamharir" a part of Jahanam?

I recently came across a concept that one of the punishment in Hell is a very cold place called Zamharir. But I'm unable to find any supporting Hadiths with a valid sanad. Please guide.
Ahmed's user avatar
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Do i need husbands permission to work

Salaam, I have been dishearnted with Islam's take on working women. Why does a women need the husband's permission to work and wear is the stipulated clear proof that husband's have the right to ...
FilFil's user avatar
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Is it haram to have attractiveness as a criteria when marrying someone?

Assalamu Alaikum. So I have a question regarding attraction in Islam. Is it haram, when you’re seeking and wishing to marry someone, to have sexual attraction as a criteria? Because, and this is just ...
Mokmad 's user avatar
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Will Allah forgive me

Aoa, I am a 16 year old boy and for the past 2 years I had been addicted to masturbation and pornography but at first I didn't know it was haram, when I got to know I tried to reduce it and repent but ...
Hyder's user avatar
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Is it right to measure the deeds we do to Allah and say it to another?

I joined a Ramadan competition recently. They award the winners by measuring the deeds we did to Allah and the person who has the highest points is awarded. Daily they update a form to fill, it ...
Ilma's user avatar
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