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Is the shortest Darood allow in the last rakat?

Assalaamalaikum, I am learning how to pray but I have questions. Is it prohibited to recite the shortest Darood Shareef after tashahhud in the last rakat in Salah? “Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad Wa Ala ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Is Drawing on my skin halal?

As-Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh. I have a question for which I didn’t find a answer. Is it halal to draw on my skin? A friend of mine has some drawings on his hand and asked me if it is ...
Al_salafi's user avatar
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How diverse are the contemporary praxes of Islam?

I mean from a scholarly perspective, not advocating what proper practice is, but how different contemporary Muslims are from each other, and in what proportions. For example, what estimated percentage ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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is my fast broken if i accidentally swallow water during wudu

after waking up for suhoor i was busy figuring out if something is haram so when i went to pray fajr there was 5 mins left and i went to go make wudu and while i was making wudu when i washed my mouth ...
islamic2928's user avatar
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is my fast broken if i might have had dry sperm

when i woke up my penis was hard i went to eat suhoor but i felt something in my penis so i went to check and there was nothing in my underwear so i went to pee and i noticed white dry tiny things ...
islamic2928's user avatar
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Since I am a videographer I have a question

would it be haram for me to film events such as weddings or places where alcohol is consumed and music played if I don't take part?
Mahamud Aden's user avatar