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Questions tagged [muslim-practices]

is about things Muslims do in their daily life be it according to shari'a or not.

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Islam and stoning

For crimes that are major or at least major in the Islamic world they can be punished by stoning/lashing. Lets say someone stole and was supposed to go to prison for X amount of years and they get ...
M.A's user avatar
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How did the prophet teach others?

In my city children are taught in (mainly) two different ways: they are taught really strictly or not taught at all. Ive seen some people who grow up very conservative but when they hit their late ...
M.A's user avatar
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Can Muslim Eat Sea Lobster? [duplicate]

I am a Muslim and now living in China. Today My Chinese friend invite to eat lobster. They bought two types lobster. One is so big and they say it is from the sea. And another little from the pond or ...
Wan bo's user avatar
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Sexualisation of typical actions and why it is impermissible [duplicate]

Actions such as a handshake, high five, looking at the decor hand of a woman can be done without lust. It is hard for me to understand why it is haram because I can’t seem to grasp how one can ...
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How to maneuver one person to the right of Imam during Salat?

While during salat there are only two persons (an imam and a jamaat) and the jamaat initially stand to the left of the imam (the correct one should be on the right & the Imam already in Salah ...
Rafid's user avatar
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Is my father allowed not to distribute his property to his daughters while alive?

My father has land . He has 4 daughters and no sons . He does not divide the land and give to daughters . He doesn't like to give . He says, take the land after I died. What's the Islamic ruling on ...
user9740735's user avatar
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Can I marry and divorce two sisters every 2 years so that I can be with them both?

My wife wants me to marry her sister. I've explained to her that Islam does not allow two sisters in marriage with the same guy at the same time. She says that she can take Khula from me, so that I ...
MUHAMMAD ARIF's user avatar
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Is it permissible to maintain a personal diary or journal?

I was recently informed that it is frowned upon to keep a personal journal because: 1) There is a possibility of your sins being exposed to others 2) There is a possibility of unintentionally ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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If a child who is 7 years old and has not reached the age of puberty realizes that something is bad and unfair and still does so, is it written as sin

If a child who is 7 years old and has not reached the age of puberty realizes that something is bad and unfair and still does so, is it written as a sin and a bad act even though he is a child?
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Benefitting the deceased by giving charity on his behalf

My friend father died – may Allah have mercy on him – and he want to give ongoing charity on behalf of his soul so as to increase his good deeds and raise him in status before his Lord, such as ...
hina munir's user avatar
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Sleep all day in ramadan

Can we just sleep all day(from sahoor to aftar) in Ramadan and woke up only for farz namaz is it permissible? I was listening to one of the Alim he said it is completely fine sleeping all day in ...
Saba N's user avatar
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If the husband disappears without a trace, who is obliged to spend on his wife?

What should a wife do if her husband has abandoned her but she wants to remarry? By this, I mean that a husband has disappeared without a trace and has been gone for a year. He has not left any ...
Ahmad Ali's user avatar
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Is women hair cutting prohibited in Islam? [duplicate]

I have searched but didn't get any exact answer that, Are women allowed to cut hairs in Islam? Only cutting of hairs from bottom is prohibited? Or to make hairs like boy cut is prohibited?
Ahmad Ali's user avatar
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Is slandering major sin in Islam and their Prayers wont be accepted?

One of my relatives always prays on time and fasts and wear hijab, but she slanders her relatives and she talked bad about my cousins so they wont get married. Her life is very hard and she always ...
Allie Hwalla's user avatar
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Can we keep a dead person's image as phone wallpaper?

My mother passed away 8 years back. Since then I have kept my mother's photo as a wallpaper on my phone. My family members are asking me to remove it from wallpaper and store it in photo album only. ...
Shivani Shah's user avatar
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Female doctor- no handshake, but ok with medical touch during examination

I (obviously male body, though I actually identify as genderqueer) recently visited my doctor for the first time. She declined to shake hands during intros "for religious reasons", and even dodged ...
ClimbsRocks's user avatar
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jokes against Allah - trying best not to smile

Asalamualaykum, if a friend tells a haram joke against Allah, I feel like I am about to smile at that joke, but I try my best to stop myself and ignore him. How do I prevent myself from smiling at ...
questionmark123's user avatar
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Do we get good rewards for learning or studying about Islam?

I am trying to be a better Muslim by gaining knowledge. I am constantly watching videos about the Prophets and other Islam topics. I am also reading about Islam whenever I feel like I need to know ...
Have Patience's user avatar
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Hadith about Licking others fingers after eating?

Assalamu Alaikum Brothers in Islam, Regarding etiquettes of eating : It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “When one of you eats food, let him not wipe his hand until he has ...
Insaan's user avatar
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After Fardh salah saying a wazifah then blow on your fingers and rub your eyes Sunnah?

Some Muslims after a Fardh Salaah recite a wazifah (Allah's name or Ya Nur or Quranic ayah) so many times you then blow on your fingers and rub over your eyes. Virtue of doing so is Allah will ...
user31186's user avatar
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Why do some mothers from the sub continent spent the first 40 days after child birth at their mother's place?

Why do some mothers from the sub continent spent the first 40 days after child birth at their mother's place? I was also told they are allowed to miss their prayers and fasts because of 'Nifaas' - ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is this method of raising index finger in tashahhud correct?

With my right hand, I create a ring with my thumb and middle finger and raise the index finger from the very start of the tashahhud and drop it just before the tasleem. It is kept pointing towards the ...
user28703's user avatar
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Would it be allowed for men to walk without covering the torso from the belly buttom upwards? [duplicate]

Let's say it is 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit and 313 degrees Kelvin) or warmer would you be allowed to walk publicly without covering the torso from the belly buttom upwards, but you'll ...
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Would it be wrong if you gave a non-believer money (or food) only if he would convert to islam?

I've encountered a lot of beggars in my life, some were non-believer, some believers. I gave money to the believers and a couple of times to non-believers too, soon to realize that they (non-believers)...
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Is it allowed to ask questions politely to the imam during his preach?

I've wondered a long time but never took my courage in both hands to ask a question. And then I just left with my questions and ask them to other muslims who couldn't give me a sufficient answer. So ...
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Life-threatening situations

I wonder what Islam, more specifically the Quran or one of the many hadeeth have to say when it comes to life-threatening diseases. Many muslim people think they have to suffer the illness they're ...
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Is it permitted to leave Eid salah before the Khutbah?

The Eid salah is the reverse of Jumu'ah in that it's the salah then Khutbah not Khutbah then salah. I read you must stay until the end of the Khutbah but is there a valid view to leave after the salah ...
user28017's user avatar
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Should a girl wear the headscarf before puberty?

Some parents tell their girls (say aged 5 and upwards) to wear the headscarf when out for example in a non Muslim school in a non Muslim country. Is this right in Islam or should it only be enforced ...
user27336's user avatar
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Is Islam a religion only revealed for Arabs?

As salaam walaikum, I am a revert to Deen e Islam. There is a Christian I know who said to me that Islam, unlike Christianity, is not an universal religion. I argued with him how. He said our Quran e ...
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Do I need to recite the duas before entering and exiting toilet/washroom if I am going for bathing only?

I am a revert to Deen e Islam. I wanted to know if I had to recite the duas before entering and exiting toilet/washroom if I am just going to bath and not relieve myself.
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Should I say "Ameen" loudly if I'm the only one to do so?

In a congregation where the "Ameen" is said silently after the Fatiha such as the Hanafi, if I'm of the view that the stronger view is it should be say loudly or my particular school of thought ...
user27133's user avatar
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Is there any Islamic basis for giving food when someone completes recitation of the Qu'ran or when someone dies?

In Bengali culture, it is accustomed to give 'Shinni' (any food) to friends and family when one finishes recitation of whole Qur'an or when someone dies. Is there any Islamic reasoning behind this or ...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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What is the correct way to become Muslim?

I want to leave my religion and embrace Islam. I believe that there are no deities, no gods/goddesses, except the Supreme Being. I believe that God sent many prophets as His messengers for the ...
Amlan's user avatar
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How do I do namaz if I am a student? [duplicate]

How I do salat/namaz being a student? My school time begins at 9am and ends at 3:30pm, hence is it obligatory for me to do namaz? I am 17 yrs old and in 10th class. Please help!
Amlan's user avatar
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Is it compulsory to recite short duas in Arabic?

I wanted to know if the short duas, like while travelling, while getting on a vehicle, while entering/exiting toilets, making decision for wudu/salat, etc are compulsory to be said in Arabic or could ...
Amlan's user avatar
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How often should we eat meat?

I was watching this short clip and in particular Sh Hamza Yusuf says Muslims are eating meat far too much. What is the evidence from the Book and Sunnah?
user27032's user avatar
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Is there an agreement on the Prophet's birth date?

Is there a disagreement on the popular date of 12 Rabi' Al-Awwal among scholars or among pro-Mawlid Muslims? Are the Fatimids the origin of the date of 12 Rabi' Al-Awwal?
user26943's user avatar
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Does the Qur'an promote violence?

If Islam is a religion of peace, then why violence verses are there in the Quran? How can Muslims justify this?
Saeeda Shaikh's user avatar
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If a company is owned by both Muslims and non-Muslims, how can one pay zakat on the "company's savings"?

Nowadays, it is common place to have partnerships in a company owned by both Muslims and non-Muslims. How is the Muslim partner liable for zakat if the company funding is not in his direct funding but ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is Salaat an-Nabi (Darood) acceptable before Adhaan?

Some Muslims do this practice of reciting the Salaat an-Nabi or "Darood Sharif" as it is called in the Indian subcontinent. Is this halaal according to the Book of Allah (the Qur'an) and the Sunnah ...
user26506's user avatar
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A sect call Muslims outsiders "Wahhabi". Allowed?

An Indo-Pak Sufi sect call Muslims outside their group Wahhabis because of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab as he called many of their practices innovations with no basis on Qur'an and Sunnah. Any Muslim ...
user26232's user avatar
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How does a Muslim complete his urination?

I heard that Istibra where one coughs or gets up and walks a little or squeezes the head of the penis to ensure all drops of urine have exited the body is an innovation. Instead he should simply wait ...
user25663's user avatar
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How can we tell non Muslim male guests to be wary of urine drops? [closed]

In Islam, men should sit down to pass water (urinate) as this avoids urine sprinkles / droplets going on the clothes, body, seat and floor. We aren't accustomed to cleaning up urine except for small ...
user25653's user avatar
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Is taking shoes off on home entry a Sunnah?

We take shoes off for the mosque but many also do so for their home to keep it clean. Is this a Sunnah however?
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How should one remember Allah while programming? [closed]

I'm fairly new in islamic study. I just read that we, muslim, should focus on our imaan and taqwa before anything else including science and technology and should be able to relate the study to the ...
coder's user avatar
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Why are muslims circumcised when Allah created him in that way?

Allah knows the best. He created human beings as the best creation. Question: If He wanted human to be circumcised then why didn't He make the human circumcised automatically in birth? Aren't we ...
Santanu Debnath's user avatar
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Is the practice of "marrying the Qur'an" allowed?

In F. Viqar and F. Saeed, Women's bodies, men's decisions: Women's control over sexual and reproductive health in Pakistan, Sexualities, Culture and Society in Muslim Contexts, 2014, Dossier 32-33 (...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Earning from news website is halal or haram? [duplicate]

I am a blogger and earning from Google adsense. I am going to start a news blog, but before starting I want to know whether sharing news like political news, sports news, weather news, hacking news, ...
Iftikhar uddin's user avatar
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How many Muslims believe in a literal truth of the Qur'an, including the unscientific aspects?

What I call "unscientific Quran" is the elements of the Quran which claims truths about the physical world we live in which are not scientifically likely. It includes the creation myth, the great ...
user5751924's user avatar
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Is it Sunnah to light up agarbatti (perfumed incense sticks) after someone dies?

In South India, Muslims light up agarbathi after someone dies. Is it a Islamic practice?
money-printer's user avatar