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Questions tagged [language]

Language is the form of communication. There are many languages in the World.

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Did others use the word "Allah" before islam

Did Christians and Jews use the word "Allah" to refer to god before Islam. Can this be proved as the oldest arabic Bible only appears after Islam. Thank you
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Is it okay if I read the english Quran?

Hello I just have one question I'm an american who grew up not knowing any other language except for english is it okay if I read the english Quran I would like to know if I can read the english ...
AnJTheMeW2's user avatar
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Did prophet Muhammad know Aramaic/Hebrew or any other languages?

Is there any source or reference or evidence about the languages in which the Prophet Muhammad was fluent? Specially that Quran is very much inspired by the Old Testament.
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Language of jummah Khutbahs

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Q1: Why do we find some people doing jummah Khutbahs in ARABIC ENGLISH MIX can we find anywhere from the prophet doing it or requesting it to his companion ...
Maja khaburry's user avatar
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As-salamu alaykum

According to wikipedia, this means "peace", as in "I won't harm you". Words, translated, sometimes change. From what I have gathered, salam does not only include "peace", ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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Using the word „God“ in poems?

I wrote some poems in German about religious issues and about other topics like friendship. I try to give the poems a good message and I also praise Allah (in German). Is writing poems permissible at ...
LoveAndFaith's user avatar
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What language will Jesus & Imam Mahdi (as) speak when they appear?

In order to prepare ourselves before the arrival of Jesus & Imam Mahdi (alayhuma salaam) we have to know the exact language they speak so we can communicate with them properly. Do they speak ...
Rafid's user avatar
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First and third person used for Allah swt in Qur'an?

Assalamu alaykum. Firstly I apologise if my question is language-related, I am a convert who has not managed to learn arabic yet. My question is about the usage of both first person "I" and ...
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Where can I get factual linguistic information about rahman and rahim?

Rahman and rahim are both names of Allah, and frequently used. Now I once heard in this video that: Ar-Rahman = merciful to all Ar-Rahim = merciful to beleivers I fail to understand how this ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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making dua in salah

can I make dua in prostration in mother tongue? if I can then when inside in salah or I should make extra prostration/sperate prostration without salah to make dua? can I make dua in prostration of ...
Billi's user avatar
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What does "make dua for us" mean?

In this question: What would be the way to say "Have a good Hajj" to someone who is about to travel to Saudi Arabia for their Hajj? One answer suggested to ask people that go for Hajj, to "...
user1271772's user avatar
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What would be the way to say "Have a good Hajj" to someone who is about to travel to Saudi Arabia for their Hajj?

I have a Muslim friend who is going for Hajj and I want to wish something like: "I wish you good luck for your Hajj" or "best wishes for your Hajj". I have never heard someone say "Hajj Mubarak". Is ...
user1271772's user avatar
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Possible translation mistake of islamqa

Salamo3alaykom, in this answer in IslamQa I've may have found a translation after the tashahhud, translating at the beginning as "O Allah send prayers..." but Allah does NOT send prayers, rather He ...
us er's user avatar
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How to get Hadees E-books in Urdu ..? [closed]

I want to get Hadees Book in Urdu.Any Body Have then Please Share with me,if Possible.
Tanwir Alam's user avatar
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What is the language of the Al Lawh Al Mafooz ( The Preserved Tablet)?

Assalamu Alaikum brothers in Islam, I'm assuming that the the Preserved tablet is not written in any human language. Is this correct? Please provide some references. Also, what language is the ...
Insaan's user avatar
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Do Muslims believe that God has no name? What are the implications of this?

I have heard that Muslims believe that God does not have a name. Apparently, when they refer to Him as Allah, this is just a common noun that means "God" in Arabic (and has similar cognates in other ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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Are the letter forms of Arabic essential to the Qur'an?

Are the existing letter forms/shapes of the Arabic alphabet an essential part of the Qur'an, or are they an arbitary choice made by humans as a means to record the Qur'an? In other words, if someone ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Can the Jummah Khutbah be made in another language besides Arabic? [duplicate]

Can the Jummah Khutbah be made in another language besides Arabic I dont know Arabic language many Indian mosque Jummah khutbah is Arabic language and some few mosque is traditional language is ...
Muhammed Anas U's user avatar
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What if someone curses me?

What if someone curses me, like someone uses an F word on me? What should be my response to that person according to the teachings of Islam? Should I stay quiet or curse him/her back?
laser2302's user avatar
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Knowledge of religion without Language?

I was having a discussion with this person about religion. He asked me that whether it would be possible for human beings to have the concept of God without having the knowledge of Language. I ...
masood adil's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between the word "hijra" (migration of Muhammad) and "hijra" (South Asian term for transgender people)?

I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence, but there are two similar usages of the word "hijra": Hijrah... is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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What level of fluency should one have when discussing Islam in a second language?

When talking about Allah, the Qur'an, or anything in Islam really, we should be knowledgeable: ...My Lord has only forbidden... ...that you say about Allah that which you do not know. -- Qur'an 7:...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
7 votes
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What was the language of Adam?

I was wondering what the language of Adam was? (What was the language that he used to speak with?) I searched to some extent (in the internet), I found two related Farsi (Persian) sites which I deem ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Why near 17 percent of Quranic words start with 'wa' (وَ)? Can we detach 'wa' from those words?

I'm working on Quran (using Quran's database) and I've noticed that from like 17000 distinct words of Quran, around 3000 start with wa attached to the beginning of the word. Examples: ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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Divine language(s) in Islam?

As we know that Sanskrit is considered as divine language in Hinduism, I want to know Is there any language that is considered as diving in Islam. or Which are the divine language of Islam?
Integrity's user avatar
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Difference between Rabbul Alamin and Rabbil Alamin

I heard many people using the word Rabbul-Alameen. This article tells us to Reflect upon His saying, '(Rabbul-Alameen) the Lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinn and all that exists).' [Soorah al-Fatiha (...
makzimus's user avatar
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Why we don't have revelations in any/most languages on earth?

This Question made me recall a Question of a non-Muslim during the discussion after a lecture about Geothe and the Islam, which i will ask here from a Muslim POV! Well we can read in the Qur'an, that ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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What is the language of the Paradise?

I was wondering what the language of the people is in the paradise (Jannah)? Is that a new language or it is one of the current world languages? As another related question, and actually on the other ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Language for prayers

What language do Muslims in non-Arab countries use for prayers? I know the Qur'an is not translated to, say, Farsi, but do Farsi people pray in Arabic or in Farsi?
MickG's user avatar
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What does mean "may your hand be besmeared with dust"?

" تَرِبَتْ يَدَاكَ " has different translations here: Sahih al-Bukahri: "(otherwise) you will be a losers" then where is "otherwise" in original (arabic) text? Sunan ibn Majah : "may your ...
qdinar's user avatar
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Sujood, and Salat Tawba

Can I ask Allah in Salat in Sujood of Dua in my own language? I don't know how to make Duas in Arabic. And one more thing: like this sujood, as you all may have heard of Salat Tawba. Can I perform the ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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While I'm in my praying, can I say Dua in different languages?

If I don't know the Arabic meaning of a Dua, can I say the Dua in a different language?
rgadid's user avatar
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Where to find linguistic tips on quranic translations?

I'm trying to read Quran, and I need to be able to understand the original Arabic at some places. For example, the verse that says: إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ You see in many places that it's ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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Apart from Arabic, is there such a thing as "Islamic languages"?

Is there such a thing as "Islamic languages"? There's a totally false online rumour, spread by people opposed to Islam, claiming that Japan is really anti-Islam. But there's one part that states that ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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What is the Arabic word for "Demon" and "Angel"? [closed]

My teacher asked me those words, but unfortunately, I was not able to answer it because I don't know that words in Arabic language.
Sume-mase's user avatar
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What is/are the Arabic word for the God?

If I translate the word "God" from English to Arabic, it becomes "Allah", because the so called Arabic word for God is Allah. But Allah Himself is the God of Islam, as Islam first refered the word. It'...
Mayeenul Islam's user avatar
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In what language was Injil originally written?

My understanding of the Muslim belief about the Gospel of Jesus is that it has been largely lost, although pieces of it remain in the versions that modern Christians use. In what language was the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What is the language of Allah?

What is the language of Allah? In what language does Allah talk to His angels and give orders? In what language will He give orders on the Day of Judgement? We know that Quran was sent in Arabic. ...
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10 votes
4 answers

Reading/listening Quran in another language [duplicate]

My question is regarding the recitation and listening of the Quran and it's benefits: I have searched myself of course, but I did not find an answer to my question so far so insha-Allah I will get it ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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11 answers

What does Islam say about reading the Quran in a language other than Arabic?

Is it necessary to read the Quran in Arabic? I have learned from elders and also seen many videos stating that understanding the meaning of the Qur'an is more important than just reading it. As i don'...
Ashu's user avatar
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Why do some Muslims refer to God as 'Allah' in English?

My understanding is that 'Allah' is simply a transliteration of the Arabic word for God. So why is the Arabic word used even in English, instead of simply 'God'? Is the use of 'Allah' universal in ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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