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Questions tagged [prophet-adam]

Adam آدم was the first Prophet and is considered the father of humanity

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When did Prophet Moses speak to prophet Adam?

The conversation between Prophet moses and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is well documented during the meraj of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Did the following conversation take place on meraj of prophet moses? ...
Shafi's user avatar
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Why did Allah only forgive Adam and not eve?

In the Qur'an we have these verses: And they ate [DUAL] thereof, and their [DUAL] shame became clear to them; and they [DUAL] began to draw over them of the leaves of the garden; and Adam opposed his ...
Clyde Simpson's user avatar
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How long ago was Adam created?

Assalamualaikum, I have been having doubts about this issue for a while and if anyone with knowledge can help, i would appreciate. It is said that we can not know how many have passed since Prophet ...
Cansu's user avatar
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How did Iblis tempt Adam in paradise if he had already been banished from it?

This is my understanding, Iblis is banished from paradise after refusing to bow to Adam. Iblis tempts Adam in paradise, to lead him astray. So, how exactly is Iblis tempting Adam (who is in paradise)...
Samid's user avatar
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Adam as first human and prophet?

My question is about Adam (AS). How do we know Adam(AS) as the first person of a upbringings even mentions in Quran that Adam (AS) was the first human being? If Adam (AS) is a messenger of Allah, ...
frwfew r33tf's user avatar
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How did Adam and Hawwa multiply?

Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in. So the question is How did Adam and Hawwa multiply? I'd like to know both Sunni ...
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Life of Adam and Eve

Salam, I read about a book called the "Life of Adam and Eve" - which contains the story of Adam alaihi salam being prostrated before by the Angels. It seems to be from the first century? I ...
Max W's user avatar
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Was prophet Muhammed (PBUH) the only messenger to all mankind?

Always thought that the prophet Muhammed(PBUH) was the only messenger for all mankind as that what i usually heard from Muslim apologists and as in this Hadith Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with ...
hewa jalal's user avatar
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did Allah (swt) already knew Iblis wouldn't prostrate in front of Adam?

as everything written already in the Preserved Tablet (al-Lawhu 'l-Mahfuz)
M.i.k's user avatar
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What sin(s) did Prophet Isa commit that required forgiveness from Allah?

I understand that Islam does not acknowledge inherited sin, that we are all born sinless. Prophet Adam sinned by disobeying Allah and had to be forgiven. Prophets Noah, Abraham and Moses are all ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How did Iblis seduce Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?

So Iblis is a jinn because he disobeyed Allah and because he was created from fire. When Allah commanded Al-Malaika to prostrate to Adam, Iblis disobeyed and thus became from the disbelievers. Thus, ...
Eye Patch's user avatar
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If Allah blew part of his soul into Adam.Does that mean that Adam is part of Allah?

فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِي فَقَعُوا لَهُ سَاجِدِينَ (15:29 or 38:72) I just thought about this while reading about Sufism.If Allah gave part of his soul to Adam's clay body ...
Omar Boshra's user avatar
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What was religion of Adam (A.S)? [duplicate]

I was wondering what was religion of Adam(A.S) but I haven't got any information about this topic.
Hassan's user avatar
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Why did Adam say that he being sent to the world was predestined and not something for which he should be answerable?

I came across the below encounter of Musa and Adam. Why did Adam say it was predestined? In Islam we are taught that everything is written in the book of destiny but the choices are still in our hand. ...
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How much time did Satan take to convince Adam to eat the fruit of forbidden tree?

As Quran says And indeed, We once made a covenant with Adam, but he forgot, and ˹so˺ We did not find determination in him. [Quran 20:115] How many years were they... that he just forgot??
Syed Waqas Bukhary's user avatar
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Why are we not allowed intercourse with Mahram while children of Adam were allowed to marry them?

I want to ask about sexual relations and marriages with mahrams e.g siblings because I read that at time of Hazrat Adam their children had intercourse with each other and so why can't we do it now if ...
H.m.t.a's user avatar
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When are souls created according to Islam?

Does Islam teach that souls are eternal to the past? And if so, where is this teaching found? In other words, are souls "pre-eternal" (a term found here) or "past-complete" (a term found here), both ...
Alex Strasser's user avatar
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Before Adam(A.S) what thing was existing in this world [closed]

Before Adam(A.S) which thing was existing on this earth?
user274225's user avatar
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Was Adam (as) predestined to eat from the forbidden tree?

Assalam o Alaikum brothers, Someone just asked me a question, and to be frank, I didn't have a substantial reply. I'm also quiet confused now regarding this topic. I understand that Allah swt in ...
Insaan's user avatar
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Regarding the height of Adam (pbuh)

In this hadith, it is said that Adam (pbuh) was 60 cubits tall and since then men have been decreasing in stature. The hadith is as follows:- Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
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How long ago did Adam live according to Islamic sources?

There are some ahadith and Quranic verses that give details about how long certain people lived, and how long was between them, see e.g. here. However, I'm not aware of whether or not there is a set ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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What names did Allah teach Adam, 2:31?

And He taught Adam the names, all of them; then he presented them to the angels, and said, "Tell Me the names of these, if you are sincere." (2:31) He said, "O Adam, tell them their names." ...
Mohammad Rameen's user avatar
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What was the language of Adam?

I was wondering what the language of Adam was? (What was the language that he used to speak with?) I searched to some extent (in the internet), I found two related Farsi (Persian) sites which I deem ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Is it true that Prophet Isa is not from the blood line of Adam?

Today I have a discussion with a Christian office colleague. He said that Prophet Isa is not from the blood line of Adam. Because when husband and wife interact with each other then in the result the ...
Asad Ali's user avatar
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Bukari Hadith Reference

I have come by the given hadith many times like Ibn Kathir Story of the Prophets books and well as many other places. I'm looking for the exact reference in Sahih Bukhari but not finding it. Can ...
Noor's user avatar
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Was iblis the only high ranking jinn who was told to prostrate to Adam (a.s.)?

As muslims, we all know that the angels weren't the only ones who were told to prostrate to Adam (a.s.). Iblis was also one of them due to his high rank. But was he the only high ranking jinn among ...
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Is everyone alive today a descendant of Prophet Adam (AS)?

There are people alive today with Neanderthal DNA and other humanoid DNA. Are they considered as fully descendants of Prophet Adam?
Abdifatah Ali's user avatar
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Does Quran agree with Bible and Eastern theologies in that man is created in the image of God?

We know that the Quran affirms that man is the best creation of Allah. But, does the Quran go further to suggest that 'Man is made in the image and likeness of God' or the lesser 'man is made in the ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Is Adam (a.s.) considered a rasul?

I know that in the Quran that the five messengers: Nuh (A.S.), Ibrahim (A.S.), Musa (A.S.), Isa (A.S.), and Muhammad (S.A.W.) are considered the Ulul'azm Anbiya but I was just wondering if Adam (A.S.) ...
Shavaiz's user avatar
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Is Adam's Peak a sacred place for Muslims?

Adam's Peak is a tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. Muslims in all over the world go to Adam's Peak. Is Adam's Peak a sacred place for Muslims?
fahim's user avatar
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Why were the Angels told to prostrate to Adam (AS)?

We are only allowed to prostrate to Allah (swt) otherwise we are committing shirk. Then why were the Angels told to make sajda / go down to sujood for Adam (AS)? Also Yousuf (AS) saw a dream that ...
Zohal's user avatar
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Calculate age of world in Islam

I have few Question About calculating time period according to Islam Is there anyway to calculate how long this Universe has existed for Quran or Hadith? How long did Hazrat Adam(a.s) lived? For ...
xitas's user avatar
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Did life start from single cell organisms?

Did life start from single cell organisms? I heard somewhere in Quran that Allah created the life from water: "We made from water every living thing".  What about first prophet then? How would this ...
user3762120's user avatar
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How tall was Prophet Adam (PBUH)?

I was told Prophet Adam (PBUH) was very tall... Is that true and how tall?
I'll-Be-Back's user avatar
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Did God forgive Adam and Eve?

I learned from the Quran that our first parents, Adam and Eve, were living in Paradise until they committed sin/wrong. Quran says that they were forgiven of their sins/wrongdoing. If they were ...
user426's user avatar
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