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47 votes
3 answers

Is drawing or photographing people prohibited in Islam?

I am aware that the prophets may not be depicted in art works, but recently I've been told that people can't be drawn either. What are the specific Quran verses or hadiths that support this view? What ...
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9 votes
5 answers

Is it haram for girls to post their pics on the internet without hijab?

Occasionally, it is seen that some Muslim girls/women post their images on different internet websites without veil (hijab). Based on Islam, it is Haram (forbidden) for women to expose their bodies ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Are skulls / skull images haraam

Is it haraam to keep shapes of skulls in the house? My father doesn't like that my telephone looks like a skull. I want to know if there's any hadith or Qur'aan verse that speaks against this. I know ...
pythonian29033's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How can sculpting/drawing be Haram when Isa (PBUH) sculpted a bird?

I would like to see a scholarly commentary or quote explaining why Isa (PBUH) is allowed to form things from clay (3:49) but Muslims are not allowed. Sculpting/forming out of clay is usually frowned ...
Shadi's user avatar
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Can I draw living creatures just for art?

Can I draw living creatures just for art? I was thinking about making a comic book. I am not trying to perfect or copy Allah's creation or anything.
B.B's user avatar
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Is human spritesheets for game development allowed?

Assalamu'alaykum I Just want to ask, I am a stand alone indie game developer (programmer+designer+etc). I heard there are a lot of hadiths that told us not to draw animate being, and the problem is ...
user4546's user avatar
6 votes
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Why is drawing animate objects haram?

So I am a sketchist and frequently draw human portraits. I find solace in this as I am a very isolated person and have basically zero real friends. It is merely a hobby and it might even help me in ...
Someone's user avatar
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Is loading a website with images haram? [closed]

I believe on the opinion that all types of photography are prohibited, but for example when you load up a website or create a Facebook account a lot of pictures load, so does this fall under the ...
Huzaifa Zafar's user avatar
6 votes
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Is taking a picture with an electronic device permissable? [closed]

I try to understand this with my common sense and of course hadith and Quran al Karim. When I talk about taking a picture of a living being, we're clearly not creating it, but kind of freeze the ...
AndaluZ's user avatar
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4 answers

What kind of pictures in Islam are permissible? [duplicate]

I am well aware of recent events that have sparked controversy over drawing the Prophet Muhammad, (SAW). However, what is the general ruling on pictures and images in Islam? I am only aware of one ...
PracticingFerret's user avatar
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5 answers

Where exactly does the Quran or Hadith say that picture making is a sin?

A brother said that he wants me to show him an exact statement from the Quran or Hadith that stated picture making is a sin, inshaa Allah. Until then, he said he will not believe that it is a sin. Is ...
Adam's user avatar
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Is it haram to pray salat while wearing a shirt with the Polo Ralph Lauren logo (featuring someone playing polo on a horse)?

I have the Polo Ralph Lauren logo on the left side of my shirt. Is it permissible for me to pray salat while wearing it?
Adnan's user avatar
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Does Quran agree with Bible and Eastern theologies in that man is created in the image of God?

We know that the Quran affirms that man is the best creation of Allah. But, does the Quran go further to suggest that 'Man is made in the image and likeness of God' or the lesser 'man is made in the ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Are Christian images of Jesus sacrilege?

If Islam prohibits depicting prophets, and consider Jesus a prophet (although not the biggest one), are all these images of Jesus in Christian hands some kind of sacrilege?
Quora Feans's user avatar
4 votes
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Is watching animated cartoons allowed?

Is watching animated cartoons allowed? If the cartoon has an animated scene of kissing, can I watch it? Should my kids be allowed to watch cartoons? I know that making images is haraam in islam (90% ...
iamali's user avatar
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Is it permissible to earn money from painting cityscapes and scenery?

I am a painter and I paint cityscapes and scenery that does not have any living being in it such as people, animals or any other thing. I just paint sea, sky, buildings, flowers etc. With the ...
Mahira's user avatar
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Drawing faces are forbidden, but I would like to know if I can draw parts of Human body?

Assalaamu 'alaikum warehmatullahi wabarkatuhu, I have a question deriving in many small queries that I am doubtful of. I am well aware of the hadiths that Our beloved Prophet quoted about prohibiting ...
Muslim's user avatar
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Is it permissible to have a picture without the eye visible?

I know that pictures are not allowed in homes. But somebody told me it is permissible to hang a picture if you cannot see the eyes of the being. Anybody knows if that is true? The specific picture in ...
abdullah's user avatar
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Does Making And Or Selling Fishing Lures Haram?

Assalaamu'alaikum, I've read about imitating the creation of Allaah is haram. Does making lures like these is considered as imitating the creation of Allaah and is haram?
Ari's user avatar
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Can I draw pictures if I cover them?

My dad used to say that I could draw people if I covered them. Is that true?
Rose's user avatar
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What are the consequences of angels not entering one's house due to pictures?

Regarding this hadith: Narrated `Aisha: I purchased a cushion with pictures on it. The Prophet (came and) stood at the door but did not enter. I said (to him), "I repent to Allah for what (the ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Are Christian depictions of Jesus and Mary considered accurate?

Jesus and Mary in Christianity is Prophet Isa and his mother Maryam in Islam; see Jesus in Islam. It seems Christianity doesn't have the same restrictions as Islam regarding depictions of Jesus, and ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Do we have to lower our gaze towards female characters in books, animation, etc.?

Do we have to lower our gaze towards towards female characters in animations, games and books? Or just in real life?
James's user avatar
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Can I sell my art with living beings on it which I made in a time I didn't know it wasn't halal?

In the past, I used to draw a lot of Anime characters and living beings, but now, Alhamdulillah, I have stopped that because I know that it is not permissible. Can I sell my art with living beings on ...
Panda_11's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to Praying with Animals' logo T shirts

Some of My T shirts or Football Jerseys have Images of Animal's logo Like lion, Tiger etc so Can I pray with these logo's T shirts (
Mohammed Rizni's user avatar
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Is drawing an imagined person haram?

I have been drawing for two years and got amazing results in that time. Even people I don't know compliment me, but is drawing a character that came from your mind haram? Ex: Paul Gilligan's "Poncho" ...
Ali Al-Tayib's user avatar
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Is it halal to read book with living beings as the cover in Islam if you cover them up

So I read books at school for class and I read this book with a bird on the cover but I cover it up with a sticky note I could read other books without animal cover but I really like it so is it haram ...
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Why does the Maliki school of thought condone drawings of animated beings? [closed]

It would really help if someone could answer this question who is very familiar with Maliki. I’m very confused regarding the permissibility of drawing animated objects, and Maliki’s perceptions ...
Reem's user avatar
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Can I have cross on my website which includes religions such as Christianity?

I am building a website that has various topics in it. One category is religion, and it has topics about various religions around the world. I want to create a topic about Christianity and I have to ...
user20589's user avatar
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Can women put their pics (with hijab) on internet?

I've already inquired for a similar question, but my previous question was in regards to "Can women put their pictures (without hijab) on the internet". So, at that question I concluded that ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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2 answers

Can one draw images of humans and animals without their eyes?

We know that drawing pictures of animate creatures is prohibited in Islam. The following hadeeth are very explicit. Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ...
Najeeb's user avatar
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Can I store a picture of my grandmother who passed away in my phone, and is it a sin if I cry about her death?

Day before yesterday, my grandmother passed away. I love her very much. Among all the grandchild she got, she loved me most. I have few questions: Can I store a picture of her in my phone. She was ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Is liking an image haraam?

My question is a hypothetical one. Consider this scenario: An artist draws an image of a cat, which looks very cute but does not look like any real cat exactly. Now that is haraam obviously. Now ...
user3658's user avatar
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Is anyone at fault for money containing images?

Many world currencies contain images, e.g., the Saudi riyal has an image of King Abdullah. When asked about the use of money with images on them, Islam Q&A wrote: Images on money are not your ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Are images of the Prophets more haram than images of other beings with souls?

In a series of YouTube videos, IQRA Cartoon gives a series of cartoons which describe the Prophets' lives. One example is Yunus (AS) - Prophet story (No Music) - Islamic Cartoon and this is an idea ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is Firefox software halal due to its logo?

Is it halal in Islam to use software with images of animals like Firefox web browser or Thunderbird? There are also some software components named after other religions' symbols or even gods - ...
Muzaffar's user avatar
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Is it haram to hang up a picture of Manchester City badge?

I know that you can't have pictures of animated beings. But I read that if you cut off the head then it's fine, since the golden eagle only has a head and a pair of wings is it okay? Here's the Badge ...
user5212's user avatar
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Are images of Muhammad "quite common nowadays" in Shia Islam, and if so, where can I find them?

(Warning: all links contain depictions of Muhammad.) Wikipedia states: In Shia Islam, however, images of Muhammad are quite common nowadays, even though Shia scholars historically were against such ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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What is the ruling for making images?

I have found out, this and I’m aware too of it: Ibn 'Abbas and Aisha reported that: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: Whoever makes a picture will be punished by Allah till he puts life in it, and he ...
Alex A's user avatar
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Is art (of faces, eyes, etc.) halal in Islam? [duplicate]

I'm a Muslim, and I specifically like to draw as a hobby now and then. Recently, I read several comments and things here and there on the Internet saying that drawing faces or things with souls (like ...
EEBGbunnygirl's user avatar
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Is drawing pictures in books prohibited?

I know that it is not allowed to put pictures of people, characters, etc. on walls, or any visible places, but, what about in notebooks or papers for fun?
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Drawing bots is prohibited or not?

I'm pretty sure drawing animate objects is prohibited in Islam but can you explain about drawing robots, since robots only resemble human features but are actually inanimate, is drawing them ...
Hammas's user avatar
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Is it enough to cover the drawings and pictures or should we get rid of it completely?

As you know, we shouldn't keep any pictures in our houses because the Angels do not enter. My question is, is it enough to just cover these pictures with for example tapes or bags or even flip it ...
Marwan Ansari's user avatar
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Is downloading cartoon images Haram?

Is downloading images of cartoons Haram? I am not talking about copyright, but because of Tasweer is Haram.
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Do any sects prohibit all images?

Are there any groups that prohibit all images including Internet graphics/images for art & entertainment, etc.?
Ben Pettis's user avatar
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Why is it not haram to draw inanimate objects that are the creation of Allah like trees, mountains, and water? [duplicate]

I know it is haram to draw animate living things like animals and humans, but it is permissible to make pictures of trees and other inanimate objects based on the Hadith - Bukhari 2225, "Narrated ...
Grandpa's user avatar
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Is Drawing head separated from the body (No neck) Haram?

Salam I just wanna know that, is it haram to draw humans but the head is separated from the body like no neck, similar to the bathroom sign figure. Is this permissible?
Hakim25's user avatar
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What can you draw in Islam [duplicate]

I sketch a lot until I found out that it is haram but I really enjoy sketching so what things can you you draw and can you draw any object as long as there is no soul to it and it is not living?
user32317's user avatar
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Is it allowed in Islam to take comic books art as a profession? [duplicate]

I am considering to take a BA in Fine Arts with an intention to become a comic book artist. What does Islam say regarding this profession? . N.B. Kindly, don't post Quranic verses (either English ...
user avatar
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Is playing the massively multiplayer online game permissible? [duplicate] is online game. Can I play this game? Or I should play without any skins? is a massively multiplayer action game created by Matheus Valadares. Players control a cell in a map ...
Fawad's user avatar
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