My dad used to say that I could draw people if I covered them.
Is that true?
No this is not true, the drawing of people (or any other animate things like animals) is not allowed whether you cover them or not. As it has been authentically narrated in regards to those who draw/paint such, that they will be in the hell fire, Source.
Every painter will go to Hell
, a painter who draws scenaries is also a painter. Later it say If you have to do it, draw pictures of trees and other inanimate things
. Seems like not all painters will go to hell as quoted in the initial part of the hadith.
If you cover them in a form that they are not distinguished as people then the draw is a different draw.
Anyway according to Shia Islam drawing depends on if what you draw is used as objects of worship by other religions or not. Also depends on which scholar or Marja' you follow for Islamic laws.
Drawing, painting or carving a living being is permissible. Similarly, making statues or sculptures of non-living things like flowers or trees is permissible.
Sculpting, painting or drawing of living or non-living things or symbols that are used as objects of worship by other religions is not allowed. So making, buying or selling idols or religious symbols such as a cross would not be permissible.