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Assalamu Alaikum. Can we draw full body figures without facial features, like no eyes, mouth, or nose? Does this fall under haram or is it halal? Thnk

Assalamu Alaikum. Can we draw full body figures without facial features, like no eyes, mouth, or nose? Does this fall under haram or is it halal?
Yaseen khan Yaseen khan's user avatar
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Why is it not haram to draw inanimate objects that are the creation of Allah like trees, mountains, and water? [duplicate]

I know it is haram to draw animate living things like animals and humans, but it is permissible to make pictures of trees and other inanimate objects based on the Hadith - Bukhari 2225, "Narrated ...
Grandpa's user avatar
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My Question is is it haram to take picture of a food before eating?

As i have seen many people mostly our muslim, instead of reciting holy verses (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم). They are taking their meal pictures and posting it on their Instagram for to get likes and fame. ...
Ahmed Iqbal's user avatar
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Is drawing haram? (Response to the view that it is permissible)?

The view on the internet seems to be that it is impermissible but after asking students of knowledge I recieved this answer: "The mainstream view (that of the scholars of al-Azhar University) is ...
Frey's user avatar
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Where exactly does the Quran or Hadith say that picture making is a sin?

A brother said that he wants me to show him an exact statement from the Quran or Hadith that stated picture making is a sin, inshaa Allah. Until then, he said he will not believe that it is a sin. Is ...
Adam's user avatar
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