Is it haram for a Muslim girl and a Hindu boy to have a relationship?
Islam discourages unnecessary mixed-gender intermixing:
No person (man) should be alone with a woman except when there is a Mahram with her.
Sahih Muslim 1341 c
A man is not alone with a woman but ...
Why not make up your own times to pray from non Muslim
The daily prayer times are "prescribed" in Islam, i.e., Muslims believe that they are required by Allah to perform their prayers at certain times. The Qur'an doesn't directly tell us to pray at ...
Enjoining the good and forbidding evil vs. human rights
It's important to note here that enjoining that which is good and forbidding that which is evil is not the same as being judgemental.
Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one ...
Do relatives (except my parents) have any right to complain about my dress up , according to Islam?
Wearing hijab in front of non-mahrams is obligatory. Anyone, not just your relatives, have the right to advise you if you are committing a sin or leaving something obligatory.
That is because the ...
- 31.4k
Girls marriage rights?
What you finally are asking for is not about human rights but some kind of self-justice which is clearly prohibitted in Islam.
A girl can't marry herself in Islam as per the majority of scholars and ...
What are the rights of converts on muslim ummah?
Converts do not have any other special rights above that of other common Muslims, At the beginning of Islam everyone was a convert before the sahaba gave birth to children.
I sinned what should I do?
I’m sorry to hear this, but that’s a sign that you’re a believer. Usually believers do feel fear when they do mistakes. And God knows that you feel regret and the doors of repentance are open, and He’...
I sinned what should I do?
As‘salaamu alaikum, little sister.
With regard to the sin of lying, ask Allah for forgiveness and mend your conduct. That is, stop the practice of lying, period.
As a young woman of Faith, you ...
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