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Who is considered a Harbi?

Is a Harbi a person who's at war with Muslims? Or does merely living in a non Muslim state with no treaty make one a Harbi? If a person did not do anything to harm the Muslims can he be considered a ...
fjafjjf jfnjawfn's user avatar
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What constitutes intercourse/zina in islaam [duplicate]

I need to understand how deep the penis tip should go to consider it as intercourse or zina. For example if the guy is trying to insert his penis into her vagina hole but the head of penis is not able ...
hamza mehmood's user avatar
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Ruling over punishment imposed for violating a restriction imposed over permissible act by Ruler

Is imposing punishment if someone engages in permissible thing but the permissible act is restricted by the ruler correct as per Fiqh? إضاءات حول قاعدة تقييد المباح اقرأ المزيد في إسلام أون لاين: ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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Does my talaq take effect when ive uttered in a moment of feeling compelled emotionally and did not want this divorce but due to this state of anger, [closed]

I divorced my wife while walking with her in the street. She said something distasteful to me. My anger escalated, she didn't also try and calm me down, by explaining herself. This angered me more and ...
Tauriq Fakier's user avatar
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Is making a e-commerce website is halal, where I just promote other sellers products and charge them [closed]

if i create a website like Amazon ,where the seller post their products and sells their products and they deliver it (not me).I just charge a fixed parchantege for that sold product from the seller.i ...
Fnfi's user avatar
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Age of consent in government laws vs in islamic laws [closed]

is it permissible for a state to enforce the age of 18 as the age of consent if the age of consent in Islam is the age of puberty or is that against Islam? also is it permissible for me to break the ...
aj273's user avatar
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Can a marriage condition be broken if it leads to haram or neglecting responsibility?

Suppose a man had marriage with a woman. It was stipulated in the nikkah contract that she would continue working after marriage. Now some problems arise, A) She does not wear hijab due to one or the ...
Alodoxime's user avatar
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Why did scholars say that doing the taslim with the imam is makrooh when the sahaba did it themselves?

As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatoh. I came across a hadith which goes like this: Sahih al-Bukhari 838 Narrated `Itban bin Malik: We prayed with the Prophet (ﷺ) and used to finish our ...
Al_salafi's user avatar
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Moving to muslim country alternative

I wish to be a Fireman, for it's potential rewards, decent salary, and it's work schedule. I've heard that some scholars say it's haram to not move to a muslim country if you have the means. I wish to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Is My Income Halal (Bing Reward)

"Bing Rewards is a program where users earn points by searching on the Bing search engine and completing tasks, which can then be redeemed for rewards like gift cards. The program allows up to ...
THE EMINENT's user avatar
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I've heard that some sounds can make the salah invalid

If I make some sounds unintentionally, for example, when I close my mouth and open it and a sound arises, or when I swallow my saliva, does this make my prayer invalid?
T. B.'s user avatar
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Parading Slave Women bare-breasted for Attracting the highest bidders or buyers

First of all, I would like to thank in advance for answering in the most kindest way. And i apologize for making my questions so big. Just wanted to let you know where i'm coming from. I have heard ...
Waheed Ahmed's user avatar
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Why didn't Islam bring the best out of the people? i.e why didnt Islam make Muslims successful in all the aspects of life?

I get answers like "Look at Golden Age" but isn't Golden age a cause of Greek Philosophy and not Islam? I dont understand why Islam takes credit for it can someone elaborate? What in the ...
Hard shell's user avatar
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Shooting video games

There is a video game called "Blood strike - fps for all". In that game everyone jumps off a plane then they land and pick up guns to shoot people and be the last one standing to win, but ...
Tasin Islam's user avatar
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Is it ok to work for an event management company?

Salam, I want to know if its ok to work for an event management company that also deals with providing DJs at wedding ceremonies and sounds etc in USA.I basically take care of cobtracts and all so is ...
Islam's user avatar
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"You ˹alone˺ we ask for help." - what does it mean in the Quran?

What should we do if we need help of beings other than Allah in necessary situations?
Samim Parvez's user avatar
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What is the view of Prosperity in Islam (both individual as well as community)?

by prosperity i mean economical, educational, intellectual and sociological prosperity. I, more often than not, see sheikhs discouraging the worldly pursuit, but the "wordly" has both good ...
Hard shell's user avatar
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is it permissible to make a website for stores in which there is liquor with other products as well

I am working on a web project in which there are multiple stores and basically we provide a feature that it gives you the best products according to the prices. For example if there is a same product ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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Is operating on female patient in this specific condition haram?

I am a MD radiologist. To give some context I live in a non Muslim majority country. I work in a hospital 6 days a week. In our department there are 5 radiologist including me. Only 1 of them is ...
Mad Man's user avatar
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What are the the things which husband should provide his wife? [duplicate]

I know that husband has to provide food, clothing, accomodation and basic medical or other expenses of house. But is he obliged to say provide a car, internet, accessory items, etc? To sum up, I want ...
ZAC16's user avatar
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Is Drawing on my skin halal?

As-Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh. I have a question for which I didn’t find a answer. Is it halal to draw on my skin? A friend of mine has some drawings on his hand and asked me if it is ...
Al_salafi's user avatar
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I stole a phone

I stole someone phone when he was sleeping in a lecture hall. I don't know the person or his face. I only know his department and level. Its been 3 weeks already. I am afraid that I might be branded ...
Abubakar Mukhtar's user avatar
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Is my income haram if the way I earn is halal but illegal? [closed]

I live in a non muslim country,and recently I started working for a 'tree planting' company. So they import the quarter of their trees from foreign countries but gets the rest illegally from mountains,...
Juragat's user avatar
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Earning through surveys haram?

Assalamu alaykum There is a website called surveys24, that pays me just for visiting some website, I click on certain links, takes to a website and they ask me to stay a while in that page so that the ...
Alae Harkasse 's user avatar
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Is my Fast valid?

I told a person to bring me food from the store but after a while I remembered that i am fasting, and the food is already brought by that person but i did not eat anything. Is my Fast valid?
Tasin Islam's user avatar
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Is discouraging a permissible deed (even if explicitly permitted in Quran) forbiden?

This is a question which requires some fiqh knowledge. I just want to discuss the fiqh of it, so would prefer, if personal biases are set aside in answering the question. My question is, would it be a ...
Khadija's user avatar
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Is there a sex position that is not allowed in Islam? [duplicate]

I have done my research and found none of the sex positions that are banned in Islam. However, some people say that doggy style is still not liked in Islam; please clarify.
Willam's user avatar
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Is there a difference between a prisoner of war and a Slave in the sharia [duplicate]

I was talking to someone and he said “Prisoner of war automatically fall into slavery“ I said “no there is a difference between a slave and a prisoner of war in the sharia.” can anyone prove that ...
venom_snake's user avatar
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Who can live under Islamic rule?

Are only Dhimmi religions allowed to exist under Shariah rule while following their religion? What if a non-Dhimmi religion is to live under Islamic rule?
Ganit's user avatar
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Is it permissible, according to Shariya, to allow Hindus to visit Islamic holy sites in Medina?

On January 8, 2024, the Saudi government hosted an Indian delegation to some of the holiest sites of Islam for a visit. Given that the Minister for Religion, Smriti Zubin Irani, is a Hindu and she ...
user366312's user avatar
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Working wife's obedience [duplicate]

Assalamualaikum alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu Is it permissible for the wife to work from home without husband's permission ? if the wife is working from home and husband commands her not to ...
Mr. A.K.'s user avatar
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Are there hudood on sins commited in private?

Is there any hadd on sins committed in private? Are hudood only established if the sin is done publicly?
Abdullah's user avatar
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Is cannibalism halal under certain circumstances as per Imam Shafi'i(RA) and Imam Hanbal(RA)? [duplicate]

On a website name Jihadica, various fatwas containing Daesh insignia were collected by certain academicians and researchers in 2014. Fatwa No. 68 is translated by UC Berkeley medical anthropology ...
Teerth Aloke's user avatar
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my income is halal or haram

my name is Talha, and I work for an affiliate network.My role is affiliate manager, and I find affiliates to promote our offers. We have offers in home improvement, solar, and loans. When the ...
Talha Athar Butt's user avatar
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Voluntarily slave ? allowed or Not ? a clear ayah or Hadith can some one mention pls

Asslamwalekum WRB my question is we do not find any Hadith that mention anything about voluntary enslavement, yes you will find some Hadith that talks about how it was offer to Zaid R.A to be free but ...
Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Understanding of Salaf & Fuqaha on Treaty of Hudaibiyyah

Many people justify making agreements using the treaty of Hudaibiyyah that Ruler can deport a Muslim to their enemy who imprisons them and even tortures them. Example: Uyghur being detained and ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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Declaring a Country & Its People Dar Al Harb & Harbi For Certain Muslim But Not For All

Did Fuqaha ever declared a country/kingdom Dar Al Harb and its people as Harbi for certain Muslims but not for all? For example: Israel is Dar Al Harb & Yahood Is Harbi for Palestinians and Arab ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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how is it to hide what you are preparing for, particularly a competitive test, in islam?

I'm currently studying for the Central Superior Services (CSS) test, but I don't want anyone to know about it. I am a 3rd year MBBS student at a government medical college in Pakistan, but recently I ...
Azan Khan's user avatar
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Inflicting Punishment On Individual For Engaging In Act Which Mubah

If an act which is Mubah is prohibited by decree of the ruler and if any individual engages in it, punished for acting with punishment like lashing, execution, or imprisonment. Are these laws ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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If you swear by Allah just because I could not control mytongue about something false what should I do should I feed 10 poor people or should I fast 3

I said to my friend wallahi this is not your brother but it was
Amar 's user avatar
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Question about Mannat (conditional vow)

Salam, I have a question about "Mannat"(conditional vow). I have done a "Mannat" of "Sadkah" to succeed in a work without analyzing. I didn't know it is not a good thing ...
Faiyad Bintu's user avatar
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Salaam. I just wanted to ask, I am in UAE and not employed, (currently on tourist visa for more than a year, we renew it each month and its very expensive). I don't have a job, I have it in a bank, ...
Striving Muslim's user avatar
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How the timing of death can be linked to wrongdoing of doctor?

We know in Islam, Allah has timed everything, from born, to how much will you earn and how ane when you die. When a doctor mistreat a patient or gave them a wrong medicine, they die or get so ill that ...
localhost's user avatar
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Is it Haram to Marry a Mandaean/Sabian woman?k

They are mentioned in the Quran as Ahlul Kitab in Quran 5:69. Some say they aren’t because they don’t have a book but they do claim to have a book. Quran 19:12 talks about John having a book. They ...
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Father is part of the Quranist movement [duplicate]

Quranism is an Islamic movement that holds the belief that the Quran is the only valid source of religious belief, guidance and law in Islam. Quranists believe that the Quran is clear, complete, and ...
Mustaf Abdi's user avatar
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Validity of my Nikkah

I wasn't ready to get married. Due to some traumas and my mental health issues I'm uncomfortable with anyone getting close to me or touching me. But my parents never understood. They accepted a ...
Zaynab's user avatar
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Hello,can anyone help me regarding grading and source of this hadith mentioned in tafsir Ibn kathir and tafsir abi hatim for Qur'an 65.4?

The Qur'anic verse 65.4 revelation circumstance is mentioned in tafsir of ibn kathir and others like Abu ibn hatim Particularly this part-Ibn Abi Hatim recorded a ...
Seeker_truth_101's user avatar
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Upon burial, Staying at Grave of Father in Law and reciting for some time? [duplicate]

Assalam o Alaikum! Recently my father in law passed away, and my wife asked me to be at his grave upon burial on her behalf and recite for some time as reflected from posts about the time taken for ...
Nouman Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Am i able to remarry my ex husband after getting a fasagh after being separated for 3 yearsbut he never gave me 3 talqs

My ex husband and I was separated for 3 years before I went for my fasagh. I went under Idaho however,he only gave me 1 talaq in the time we were together. We are older and a bit wiser now and want ...
Simply Delicious's user avatar
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Establishing the crime of rape in islamic law [duplicate]

How do islamic judicial system establishing that the crime of rape happened. Is the crime assumed to have taken place only on the word of mouth of the woman I read that the word of mouth is taken as ...
Arsalan's user avatar
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