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Can a marriage condition be broken if it leads to haram or neglecting responsibility?

Suppose a man had marriage with a woman. It was stipulated in the nikkah contract that she would continue working after marriage. Now some problems arise, A) She does not wear hijab due to one or the ...
Alodoxime's user avatar
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Can a lady stipulate in the nikah contract that her husband may not enter into polygamy? [duplicate]

From what I understand, in Islam marriage is a contract. And conditions can be set in it breaking of which can be grounds for divorce. Thus is it acceptable or considered makruh for a female to ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is a marriage without a written contract and a late dowry valid?

One year ago i married my lovely husband without a marriage contract but in front of about 20-30 witnesses from my husbands family in morocco and a lovely iman who came and blessed our marriage. ...
jill perrin's user avatar
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Difference between making something permissible forbidden, and stipulating to not do something permissible in a contract or oath

Although I can't find a text saying exactly this, making something permissible forbidden or making something forbidden permissible is a (I think major) sin in Islam; see e.g. 16:116 for something ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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Is it Haram for States in the Arabian penisula (& Bangladesh) to legitimise 3-year overseas worker contracts?

Many States in the Arabian Peninsula use their muslim brothers from Bangladesh on 3-year rolling contracts with a six month break to return to their families. Many of these men are married. This tears ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar