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Questions tagged [interfaith-marriage]

Questions about marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims.

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2 answers

Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ever marry any non-muslims?

Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ever marry any non-muslims? If yes who were they?
user28534's user avatar
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What are the procedures when a Muslim man is marrying a Christian woman in a Islamic marriage? [duplicate]

Can a christian man give his daughter away in a muslim marriage?
Lavar Parron's user avatar
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Can I marry a Christian woman who doesn't practise her religion? [duplicate]

I'm interested in marriage with a Christian woman who was baptized as a Catholic at birth and lives in a Christian nation in a conservative/ religious region. She's officially registered as a member ...
Azhan Ahmad's user avatar
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Why does my partner have to convert to Islam when he is agnostic (not atheist) for a nikkah [duplicate]

I am a non practicing Muslim I was raised Muslim my mother wants me to do a nikkah does my partner have to convert to Islam for us to do a nikkah
Sony Black's user avatar
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Why is the fact that Ibn Umar believing it’s prohibited to Marry a Christian woman not more mainstream?

Narrated Nafi: Whenever Ibn `Umar was asked about marrying a Christian lady or a Jewess, he would say: "Allah has made it unlawful for the believers to marry ladies who ascribe partners in ...
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Is it Haram to Marry a Mandaean/Sabian woman?k

They are mentioned in the Quran as Ahlul Kitab in Quran 5:69. Some say they aren’t because they don’t have a book but they do claim to have a book. Quran 19:12 talks about John having a book. They ...
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A girl accepting Islam, getting married to a Muslim man, all of her family is non-muslim Wali issue

Dear brother and sisters. I met a girl abroad, who is not a Muslimah. She is willing to accept Islam and I want to do nikkah with her to save myself from committing zina. Nikkah is only for the sake ...
Traveler79's user avatar
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Is it permissible in Islam to have two marriages with different marriage contracts in two countries?

I have two marriage contracts with the same person. The first marriage took place in a foreign country with a lower amount of mehr, and the second contract was executed in our home country with a ...
Joynal93's user avatar
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Can I marry my Evangelical Christian non-virgin girlfriend?

I recently reverted to Islam. The girl I'm dating is ok with that. We have talk about marriage and she's Evangelical Christian. I know Islam allows for Muslim men to marry Christian and Jewish women, ...
Abel's user avatar
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2 answers

Muslim man marrying a Christian or Jewish woman : Necessary conditions required for a valid marriage

What is the ruling on the marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian / Jewish woman? I know that this kind of marriage is allowed but what is the complete ruling on this i.e. is a woman being ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Ruling on marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man [duplicate]

I am currently doing a course on world religions at my university and this question is regarding research for one of my assignments that I have due. I couldn’t find anything on Google so I decided to ...
Adriana's user avatar
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3 answers

Reasons for not allowing interfaith marriage

What are the reasons or justifications provided in the holy book of the Quran for not having interfaith marriage? If two humans from different religions (one Muslim and one non-Muslim) like/love each ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Are inter-religious marriages encouraged in islam?

I assume or rather see, some scholars discourage Muslim men from marrying outside of the faith and surely for obvious reasons and I understand that perfectly. However, seeing how the Quran allows us ...
EPIC Tube HD's user avatar
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Nikah with a Non-Muslim

I am planning my nikah but the bride is not a Muslim. She is Christian but not practising. Does this affect the validity of the nikah? Does she has to be convert in order for the nikah to happen? ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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Is it haram to marry a Christian woman?

Allah says in the Qu'ran: الزَّانِي لَا يَنكِحُ إِلَّا زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً وَالزَّانِيَةُ لَا يَنكِحُهَا إِلَّا زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ ۚ وَحُرِّمَ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ The fornicator ...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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According to Hanafi jurisprudence, marrying Jews or Christians is Makruh Tahrimi. Why is it Makruh Tahrimi even though it is allowed in the Qu'ran?

According to Hanafi jurisprudence, marrying Jews and Christians is Makruh Tahrimi. Makruh Tahrimi acts are minor sins. Why is it Makruh Tahrimi if the Quran allows marriage to Jews or Christians? ...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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Sahaba who married Christians and Jews

I wanted to know about the Sahabas who married christians and jews and whose wives did not accept Islam even after the marriage, for e.g. Muawiya I had one wife who was a jacobit christian, though i ...
Noor's user avatar
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Can we marry non-chaste women of the book al kitaab?

I understand Allah has made it permissible for Muslim men to marry women of the book (al kitaab) who is chaste. Mashallah. What if the woman is not chaste? Is it possible for her to become chaste? ...
Ahmed ilyas's user avatar
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Can a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim (and non-Ahl-al-Kitab) woman?

I know from other questions on this site that Muslim men can marry Jewish or Christian women, that Muslim women can't marry non-Muslims, and why there's a difference in marriage law for Muslim men and ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
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What's the stand of Islam on a Muslim woman marrying a non-believer?

I've heard different opinions about this issue, what’s the stand of Islam on a Muslim woman marrying a non-believer? What if the man claims he'd convert to Islam to be able to marry the Muslim woman? ...
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