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Questions tagged [oaths]

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1 vote
1 answer

Should kaffarah be given before or after breaking an oath?

I swore about not doing an act, it's not a sin, but now after sometime, I want to do it. Should I do it and then give the kaffarah or should I give the kaffarah and then do it?
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1 answer

Is it permissible to take an oath by touching Quran on the name Allah?

Assalamoalaikum! Can muslims take an oath by touching Quran on the name of Allah. My question is if permissible to do in Islam on serious matters? Such as saving home, keeping the husband and wife ...
2 votes
1 answer

I broke a very serious oath, will I be forgiven [duplicate]

Asalam o alaikum, I am a Muslim(Sunni Hanfi) teenager. I once made an oath to Allah not to commit a sin again(I was baligh then,maybe,but not mentally mature then,this was a long time ago),I said,"Ya ...
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2 answers

Muslim prohibition on swearing oath of allegiance to secular power

I have read that a Muslim is prohibited from swearing an oath of allegiance to a secular power, e.g., the government of the United States, by specific language in the Quran. On-line references which I ...
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1 answer

I've got questions about oaths

I've got questions about oaths. I know that if you say oaths in your mind they're not valid but, What happens if you hum the oath whether your lips are closed or not? Also what if you're saying an ...
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Question about a Vague oath

I made an oath saying i would not go to that place. I thought of the place but didn't say the name of the place out loud. Does the oath still count if i wasn't specific?
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2 answers

What if i say wallahi on a useless thing and then break it?

me my brother and my dad went shopping , i wanted a bag of chips , and im in turkey currently and my brother said say wallohi you will let me play on your computer for one bag of chips i said wallahi ,...
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1 answer

What to say when fasting 3 days to break oath?

I wonder when you fast for 3 days to take back an oath on not eating something because you realize that thing is in everything. Is there something that has to be recited to make it clear that you take ...
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1 answer

I made an oath to god and i know i cant resist and not to break it

Hello my mom was sick 2 days ago and sense i love her so much i said to god if she make it out alive i will never masterbait again but i know i cant resist and if i break it at some case what should i ...
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Swear on Allah's name

With a heavy heart and guilt i am writing this My friend asked me if you ever commited this sin which i had but i have repented I said no He pushed me to say "wallah" First i said "yea ...
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2 answers

Must the fasts for Kaffarah of breaking an oath be consecutive?

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I would like to know if the days of fasting for Kaffarah of breaking an oath need to be consecutive or not. Jazakallah khair.
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1 answer

I made an oath months ago but forgot what it was about

I took an oath months ago not to do something, I have the general idea but I forgot exactly what I said I wouldn’t do.. Whats one supposed to do in this situation?
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1 answer

A question about oaths

Asalamualaykum this is a question regarding about oaths. If you make an oath saying you won't lie then don't fulfill it and for example let's say you lied a lot do you have to expiate each of the lies ...
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1 answer

Is this a conditional promise?

Assalamualaikum may Allah SWT bless you for helping me out because I am in great confusion. Once when I was being very guilty about my actions ( I was addicted to some sort of p***) I said to Allah ...
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1 answer

Making/Saying oaths in mind

If you make or say an oath in your mind and your lips are closed but your tongue is moving inside your mouth would that be valid?
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1 answer

Breaking an oath(wallah) that i will not sin again by Allah’s name, how do I cancel out this oath?

One time I sinned and got really upset, so I swore an oath that i will never sin again(the ones I know), and i am already regretting this decision… How can i cancel this oath I have made(Wallah) with ...
3 votes
4 answers

Does Islam permit swearing by anything else other than Allah?

Does Islam permit swearing? I mean like: I swear by my mother that I didn't do it. Or is it forbidden? Or should I swear only by Allah's or Quran's name?
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How much somone expiate for an oath about zina

If somone promises to Allah not to commit zina of eyes, ears etc. But breaks the oath do they have to expiate for each form of zina or just zina as a whole For example would they have to expiate and ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Two questions about oaths

I have two questions. If a parent is paying kaffarah for their child who broke oaths does the child have to tell the parent what the oaths were? Also if you forgot how many oaths you've done would you ...
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1 answer

Can parents pay kaffarah for their children if they break an oath?

As-salaamu 'alaykum I've got a question. If a child breaks an oath can their parents pay kaffarah for them?
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2 answers

How do I repent from swearing by something other than Allah, without knowing it amounts to shirk? [duplicate]

Three weeks ago, I first heard about the sin of shirk. I read about it, and I found that swearing by anything other than Allah is shirk. I sometimes used to swear by my mother. Can Allah forgive me ...
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2 answers

Is making tawbah sufficient for lying when swearing on the Quran?

I swore on the Quran while lying and I'm very regretful of my sin, very. I can not fast 3 days or feed 10 people. Or pay the fee of committing this sin (reasons). I made tawbah and prayed and made ...
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1 answer

Retracting an oath

I made an oath to Allah, saying that I swear by Him to abstain from a particular thing for a certain period of time, I managed to for a few days but I have now realised that I cannot keep up for the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is repeating an oath for each day permissible?

Can I make this oath? For example, I made an oath to not make this certain sin for tomorrow and I made this oath like this everyday.
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Is a forced oath taken by placing hand on Quran valid?

Salam, My family forced me to place my hand on Quran and say that I won't say that I want to marry a guy I like (my family said no because they think he isn't good looking enough). Although I tried ...
-1 votes
1 answer

False oath on Allah

I was in an argument with my sister because I was going to clean our fan with water by turning it off and she told my mother that I was going to clean it without turning it off so I swore an oath of ...
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5 answers

How to control sexual desires? (need motivation) [closed]

As salam alaikum PLZ HELP AND PRAY 4 ME How to control sexual desires if aiming for the highest Heaven (jannat e firdous), made an oath to Allah to never repeat it and a teenager therefore unable to ...
3 votes
1 answer

After breaking an oath, do we need to feed 10 poor persons in a single day?

I broke an oath that I have made. So I went forward to feed 10 poor persons. So I fed 5 poor persons approximately a month ago and want to feed 5 more this month. Is this acceptable or do I have to ...
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0 answers

When feeding 10 poor people as an expiation for breaking an oath (kaffarah yameen), does it have to be within the same day? [duplicate]

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...Or can it be... a) spread out over 10 consecutive days? Example: feed 1 poor person today, then another one tomorrow, then 2 the next day...and so on until 10 are ...
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3 answers

I broke a promise with a condition

Salam Aleikum I am a revert Muslim since November 2016 but before I reverted although I used to believe in Allah (SWT) as one and only true God and in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Messanger of ...
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1 answer

Made an oath on accident

I was about to go to sleep and I was thinking about waking up for Fajr and all of sudden in my head I said “Wallahi I will wake up for Fajr.” I didn’t mean to do it and I didn’t mean the oath.It was ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is it permissible to take false oath on Quran to save self honour/ self respect?

I am aware that taking a false oath by Quran is considered a major grave sin and should be avoided at all costs. However, in dire circumstances, is it permissible for a person to take a false oath on ...
14 votes
4 answers

In Surat At-Tin, why does Allah (SWT) swear by the Fig and the Olive?

وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُون By the fig and the olive [95:1] The above verse is the first line of Surat At-Tin. In this verse, Allah (SWT) uses waw al-qasim (وَ), which is used to take oath in the Quran....
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0 answers

Is a promise the Same as a vow

Is a promise the same as a vow What to do if you break a promise What to do if you break a vow and a example of a promise and a vow what is a oath
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I said to Allah that I won't play Chess again. But now I get tempted to play it

A month earlier, Allah blessed me and now I pray 5 times a day (Alhumdulillah). I used to play Chess, and I also said to Allah that I won't play Chess from now on because it was taking a lot of my ...
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1 answer

Promises made before hitting puberty

I made a lot of promises to Allah before hitting puberty. I still remember some of those promises. Should I fulfill the promises I remember or do they not count since I wasn't baligh.
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1 answer

3 days fast breaking oath

I wonder when you fast for an oath you’ve made, for 3 days consecutive, do you break the fast each day on maghrib and then start the fast at fajr again? And then that counts as 3 days. Or do you ...
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0 answers

Kaffarah for breaking oath?

Do i have to give them physically even tho the food is not from my money (my parent's money) and can someone else distributed the food for me ?
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I swore accidentally without thinking in something else other than Allah

I accidentally didn t think it and swore on something else other than Allah.3 seconds later I got terrified cause I understand I did a major sin. I swore in form of order for exampe Swearing to ...
7 votes
3 answers

Is taking an 'citizenship' oath that you don't believe in Halal?

I have seen many friends (non-muslims included) who take citizenship oaths only to say later it was just a formality and that they do not believe in it. Among the reasons they give is that the oath ...
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1 answer

I made an oath with Allah but I couldn't fullfill it

I promised to Allah that I wont to some specific deed for 2 months and if I do then count me as a Kafir, Unfortunately I broke the promise 1 day before the time. So, now I am kafir. What should I do ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does blood that comes from your lips nullify your fast?

If a person fasts for a Kaffarah and during the day their lips cracked and started to bleed. The person put their tongue on their lip and tasted the blood. But this was not intentionally. Does this ...
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0 answers

Exactly how much do I need to do? [duplicate]

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Please let me know if this action requires one or more than one Kaffarahs. Someone made an oath and told that he wouldn’t mention a certain thing, but ...
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1 answer

Stuck on which option to do

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Few of my posts are related to Kaffarah yameen. But I’m really stuck and I would like to know if you are 13 and you broke an oath, which option do you do?...
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1 answer

I’m so scared and stuck

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I’m really sorry, I’ve been posting mostly about Kaffarahs only because I’m really stuck and I’m not sure. Please let me know if this action requires one ...
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1 answer

What exactly consitutes a vow (nadhr النذر)?

Allah the almighty says in the Qur'an describing the righteous people: They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread. (76:7) I'm not sure whether there's a ...
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Forced oath to make someone do something [duplicate]

I have a friend whose parents made a kosom(oath) in the name of Allah (SWT) that she won’t be continuing relationship with a guy she likes because they think he is not good looking or rich enough. But ...
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1 answer

An oath I made on the Quran and Allah

My mother once asked me if I smoked and she said she had saw me do it once so I told her the truth. Obviously I was terrified when she asked and I began to swear on Allah and Qur'an that I would not ...
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0 answers

I made a promise with a condition but later I broke it, how to do repentance? [duplicate]

I made a promise to Allah that I will not consume onion for four month if my husband loves me forever but unfortunately I consume chips which made up of onion powder. I am feeling so guilty, depressed ...
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1 answer

Expiation for breaking an oath

If a person promised to Allah, that is i will do such and such if i get such and such, but afterwards that person broke the promises. What is the expiation for breaking this type of oath. How to do ...