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Is crypto future trading halal or haram?

I regularly use to do future trade in the past made huge and lost aswell i was misguided by the concept that the interest is the fee like any other service provider . but later on i came across a ...
Soban Hussain's user avatar
3 votes

Are we allowed to save money in Islam?

I found the answer I was looking for. As written here Islam does not forbid saving up wealth in all cases, rather what is forbidden and what a stern warning is ...
Hammad Nasir's user avatar
2 votes

Is Usufruct (where a loaned item produces something) a form of interest?

Usufruct is allowed and is not interest. Its simplest examples are that it is permitted for a farmer to rent land for cultivation, it is permitted for a merchant to use a rental horse to travel for ...
Rehan's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a difference between taxes and customs in Islam?

On the history To answer your last question there's no report saying that the Prophet () or the rashidun caliphs have imposed any custom on Muslims. Note that 'Omar has imposed some duty customs on ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
  • 46.1k
2 votes

Shariah Compliant Investment Holding Term/Duration

If it was permissible to buy the particular shares (depends on conditions like whether the business is halal and whether it has physical assets etc.) then it is permissible to sell them at any time. ...
UmH's user avatar
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What exactly is "shuf'ah"?

Simply speaking -I hope I could find the right words because it is a bit difficult to translate and explain- Shuf'ah الشُّفْعة is the right of a partner (in business or neighbor) to buy the share(s) ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
  • 46.1k
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Is loopholes are halal in islam

163 And ask them about the town that was by the sea - when they transgressed in [the matter of] the sabbath - when their fish came to them openly on their sabbath day, and the day they had no sabbath ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
1 vote

Taking financial loan from islamic organization

It sounds to me like you are describing a murabahah contract. These are generally considered acceptable in Islam so long as the following conditions are met: The final price is agreed upon by both ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
1 vote

Is it permissible to work as a sales rep in this case?

Islamic opinion on the drawing of living things or drawings of things that can represent living things varies among different scholars. Common Opinions All drawings of living things are haram. ...
YoMango's user avatar
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Do the principles of Islamic finance apply to central banking?

In simplest terms, Islamic principles need to apply to all aspects of life and government. Which means the principles of Islamic finance need to apply to all financial transactions, regardless of ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
1 vote

Is Etoro Halal?

The website clearly mentions the following solutions for Islamic finance. No interest on contracts lasting longer than 24 hours – zero rollover interest consistently. eToro doesn’t take any ...
Xeoff Baloch's user avatar
1 vote

Is binary option trading halal?

I’ve done extensive research into regular option and binary options trading being haram or halal. The short answer after my research is: Binary Options Trading is HARAM. Why? In Binary Options ...
user23693's user avatar
1 vote

Is Usufruct (where a loaned item produces something) a form of interest?

These are two separate agreements that do not link to each other. If the horses produce a foal, then the foal's owner is decided based on the contract. If the purpose of the horses was travelling ...
The Z's user avatar
  • 10.1k
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If interest is haram, how can a Muslim get a house or a car in modern times?

There are special programs for this. Basically, you purchase the house or car and pay no interest, but in addition to your principle payments you also pay "rent" to the bank (or trust) which is ...
TTT's user avatar
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What happens in a Murabaha mortgage when the seller defaults?

maybe i can help a little, i work at one of islamic/syariah bank in indonesia. according to my associate, apart from reconstruction or rescheduling, in case of default, rather than grab the house ...
dadan's user avatar
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