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Is it possible for food to be both jhatka and halal?

The main difference between the two slaughter methods is that severing the head entirely kills the animal before the blood has a chance to drain; slaughtering it in the common Islamic manner keeps the ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
2 votes

Are Zoroastrians Mentioned As One Of The People Of The Book In The Quran

Allah mentioned them only once in the qur'an: Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Comparative religion - Are we not part of God?

People/Creatures cannot be revered as a part of God. In Islam, God is everywhere by virtue of his omniscience and infinite knowledge but God is not present everywhere in his essence. The Qur’an ...
YoMango's user avatar
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Was Kabir a Hindu or Muslim?

Lorenzen in his review of Kabir's philosophy and poetry writes, "the extent to which Kabir borrowed elements from Islam is controversial. Many recent scholars have argued that he simply rejected ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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What is the Islamic position on the levirate marriage?

No this is not true. It is possible that it is a cultural practice somewhere but is not based in Islamic law. A person is neither forbidden from marrying the widow of his brother nor is he obligated ...
UmH's user avatar
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Is it possible for food to be both jhatka and halal?

Jhatka involves cutting through the entire neck including the spine. There can be two cases for this: Either the neck is cut from the behind or from the front. In the first case it will sever the ...
UmH's user avatar
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