In Islam any action can be classified in on of the following categories:
- Haram حرام
- Makrooh مكروه
- Mubah مباح
- Mostahab مستحب
- Wajeb واجب
What are the accurate English translation of each category?
Haram: Forbidden. If you do it you commit a sin, if you avoid it you get a reward.
Makrooh: Disliked. If you do it it is not necessarily a sin, but if you persist on it you may be sinning. If you avoid it you get a reward.
Mubah: Allowed. This one is neutral and depends on the intention and goal of the action(such as driving a car, it is neither good nor bad, but depends on where you're going).
Mostahab: Recommended. If you do it you get a reward, if you avoid it you are not committing a sin but you are missing out on a great reward.
Wageb: Mandatory. Leaving it is a sin, doing it is a reward.
This being said, there is Wageb and there is Fard. I'm not 100% sure of the distinction but I think Fard is stronger than Wageb in terms of requirement, but I can't think of a ready example.