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Hell Hater's user avatar
Hell Hater
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
4 votes

Is it permissible to call your child ya mohammad?

2 votes

I'm 5 weeks pregnant from unlawful relationship, should I abort ?!

2 votes

Looking at converting, have some questions

1 vote

Resolving an issue regarding shares in a partnership business

1 vote

Zulkarnain is Jesus, is it possible

1 vote

Is an imam required when making a marriage proposal?

1 vote

Perform Nikah yourself?

0 votes

Can we marry non-chaste women of the book al kitaab?

0 votes

What is the exact meaning or purpose of Kawthar? (On Surah Al-Kawthar)

0 votes

Adding letters to words in salat allowed?

0 votes

What to do after peforming four raka'ats in magrib instead of three?

0 votes

Is washing nose, mouth and hands optional in ablution?

-1 votes

Is zakat applicable on the amount I have paid in installments for a property?

-1 votes

What does "right hand possess" mean?

-1 votes

Is eating sushi halal or haram?

-2 votes

Is it okay to steal something from your thief?

-2 votes

Does the Qur'an 75:39 ("He made of him a pair, male and female?") exclude the possibility of people who are neither male nor female?

-2 votes

Should Quran 42:50 "Or He makes them [both] males and females" be interpreted as referring to intersex people?

-4 votes

Is Iddah required if the couple has been seperate for a time before divorce?