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3 votes

Am I allowed to study and read Ibn Qayyim's books without an Ustadh?

Gaining knowledge has many venues, including learning through a teacher (sheikh, Arabic: شيخ) or from books without a teacher. The common point of any method is to ensure that the source (let that be ...
III-AK-III's user avatar
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Is it permisable to work in a company which supports LGBT rights?

Praise be to Allah, Assalamualaikum, It is permissible to work in the company as long as you yourself aren’t involved in anything that is supporting LGBT rights. However, if they request you to ...
Ryan Amalfitano's user avatar
1 vote

Am I exempted if I take this student loan involving riba?

"O believers! Do not consume interest, multiplying it many times over. And be mindful of Allah, so you may prosper." -Qur'an 3:130 "and for their charging Ribā (usury or interest) ...
AcidicProgrammer's user avatar

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