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Why is Hindu food not allowed? How are they najis?

The primary prohibition is limited to meat that is slaughtered by them because it will not be slaughtered in Allah's name, and it may be dedicated to their gods rather than to Allah. Quran 6:118 So ...
UmH's user avatar
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If a body part is colored by Hindus in Holi, will it be struck off on judgement day?

Interesting Question. Where do these people get their fatwas from? First thing to analyze is that the pagan Arabs didn't have any festival that resembled Holi. Nor did the Romans, Jews, Christians ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is it possible that Hinduism was founded by a Prophet of Allah but has been changed into polytheism?

If you ask about the possibility of Hinudism being founded by a Prophet, then it is always possible. Allah tells us that mankind started on monotheism, and that He sent a prophet to every nation to ...
UmH's user avatar
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Does Islam mention Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma in its scripture?

The Quran does not mention the name of any religion other than Islam. 3:19 And it doesn't name the followers of any other religion, except for Yahud (Jews), Nasarah (Christians), Majus (...
UmH's user avatar
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Are Hindus "people of the book"?

No, only Jews and Christians and their sub-sects are People of the Book, and no religion other than them, since only two groups were given the Scripture: أن تقولوا إنما أنزل الكتاب على طائفتين من ...
UmH's user avatar
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Is it possible for food to be both jhatka and halal?

The main difference between the two slaughter methods is that severing the head entirely kills the animal before the blood has a chance to drain; slaughtering it in the common Islamic manner keeps the ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
2 votes

What is the reason behind Gazwa-E-Hind?

There is no unique reason for the conquest of Hind. Islam prescribes conquest of essentially every place to bring it under Islamic rule. Commands to fight war such as 9:29, 9:36, 9:73, 9:123 etc. are ...
UmH's user avatar
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Is it possible for food to be both jhatka and halal?

Jhatka involves cutting through the entire neck including the spine. There can be two cases for this: Either the neck is cut from the behind or from the front. In the first case it will sever the ...
UmH's user avatar
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Is Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment halal if one is not able to get a cure from elsewhere?

I did not find a fatwa directly addressing Ayurvedic treatments, let alone the specific case of Panchakarma. It's going to be a difficult subject to address, since: it encompasses a whole family of ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar

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