In answering this question, this verse 21:33 is used which has the translation of
And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming.
When I picked Mohsin Khan, Picktal, Yousaf ali translation, all mention orbit in translation except Shakir which translates it as follows
all (orbs) travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres.
Now, even Google translate mentions orbit. But I am still not sure because I know Arabic a little. Here is how I break down this verse word by word.
كُلٌّ - All فِي - in فَلَكٍ - the Sky يَسْبَحُونَ - Swim (ok can be translated to float as well)
Where does the word orbit come from in Translation when it is not mentioned in the verse?
If I translate the words "The sun and moon travel in an orbit", I get this in Google
الشمس والقمر في المدار العائمة
So here is my question, where does the word orbit come from in translation? or am I missing something?