The following Hadith is narrated in the book of Towhid of Sahih al-Bukhari:(Page 1021, No.7437, A-Soltaniah Edition)
حدثنا عبدالعزیز ابن عبدالله: حدثنا ابراهیم بن سعد عن ابن شهاب عن عطاء بن یزید اللیئی عن ابی هریره : ان الناس قالوا : یا رسول الله هل نری ربنا یوم القیامه؟ فقال رسول الله: هل تضارون فی القمر لیله البدر؟ قالوا: لا یا رسول الله . قال: فهل تضارون فی الشمس لیس دونها سحاب؟ قالوا: لا یا رسول الله. قال: فانکم ترونه کذلک، یجمع الله الناس یوم القیامه فیقول : من کان یعبد شیئا فلیتبعه، فیتبع من کان یعبد الشمس الشمس و یتبع من کان یعبد القمر القمر و یتبع من کان یعبد الطواغیت الطواغیت و تبقی هذه الامه فیها شافعوها او منافقوها – شک ابراهیم- فیاتیهم الله فیقول : انا ربکم فیقولون : هذا مکاننا حتی یاتینا ربنا فاذا جاءنا بنا عرفناه فیاتیهم الله فی صورته التی یعرفون فیقول انا ربکم فیقولون انت ربنا فیتبعونه ....
Since my question is related to a few parts of the Hadith, I will not translate all of it:
People asked the Prophet (Pbuh): O’ the Apostle of Allah will we see our Lord in the Day of Resurrection? Then the Apostle of Allah replied: Is there any dispute among you whether a full moon is visible? They answered: No. then The Prophet (Pbuh) continued asking them: “ Is there any dispute among you whether the sun is visible in a cloudless sky? They replied in the negative. Then The Prophet stated (Pbuh): “Then you will see your Lord just like this”. Allah will get the people together in the Day of Resurrection then He says: those who were worshiping any deity shall follow it. Then the ones who were worshiping sun will follow the sun and the ones who were worshiping moon will follow the moon and those who were worshiping Rebels will follow Rebels …Then Allah will come to them and says: “I am your Lord”, they reply: we’ll stay here till our Lord comes to us and when he comes to us we will recognize him, then Allah will appear in such a shape that they can recognize …
As you can see, according to this tradition, Allah has a particular shape without which the believers cannot recognize their Lord. This shape occupies a place moving from one area to another which means when it is present in the first area, it is absent in the other one at the same time.
On the other hand in the verse 11 of Surah 42 we read:
لیس کمثله شیء
Nothing is like Him
This verse clearly states that nothing is like Allah which means it is impossible to imagine any shape of any kind that is located in a particular place moving around and occupying places.
So how can one reconciles between the aforementioned Hadith and the above verse?