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Madhabs and talfiq?

So I follow the shafii madhab for most stuff but I have a problem with incontince for after peeing and in Maliki madhab says that it doesn’t break wudhu and if I follow this would this be considered ...
Wisihd's user avatar
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According to the four Sunni schools, is it impermissible to follow an extinct madhhab?

There seems to be a number of Sunni madhhabs which are considered extinct, e.g.: Awza'i, Jariri, Laythi, Thawri, Zahiri. Question: According to the four Sunni schools, is it impermissible to follow ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
6 votes
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Do any schools consider eel haram, and why?

Given that eel is clearly a water animal, one would think that it would fall under the general ruling of the hadith wherein the sea's water is pure and its dead is permissible. However, I clearly ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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Is it permissible to mix rulings from different madhabs?

For example, lets say madhab A argues bleeding invalidates wudu but touching women (for men) doesn't, and madhab B says the exact opposite. Can a layman Muslim argue something like one of these; ...
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