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Is it haram to befriend a non muslim? [duplicate]

I actually am a student who study in school, most of the students in that school are non muslim, I have a friend there who always helps me with my work and gives me his notes whenever I need it and he ...
712178's user avatar
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breaking Muslim Friendships permissible?

I have a best friend.(same gender)who loves me so much. and I'm the only muslim friend she has. but every single day we spend total 4 hours chatting about halal but past, childhood and other things . ...
asmaHuda's user avatar
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Can we distance ourselves from friends and others in islam?

I'm a high schooler who is trying to practice the religion and learn more and more each passing day. However, my friend group usually consists of 2 girls and one guy. (I'm a guy btw) Although I like ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Homosexual Jokes in Islam

A lot of my friends are good Muslims, but we joke around being gay. None of us are homosexual we are all straight, but we just say stuff like "I like men" as a joke. Is it wrong to joke like ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Are we allowed to be friends with or talk to the disbelievers?

I have a friend and I liked to talk to her but I have second thoughts now that I know she doesn't believe what I believe and that she is a pagan and she practices witchcraft and she believes in ...
user32517's user avatar
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Friends with the opposite gender

I have a best friend from the opposite gender, we talk online through chatting apps and we have normal conversations at school, we are never alone together always in a public setting, we have never ...
UhmHind's user avatar
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Is it haram for a Muslim girl and a Hindu boy to have a relationship?

I met a girl on social site and met her only once during her birthday. The main problem is that she’s a Muslim girl and I belong to a Hindu family. She refused by saying that her religion doesn’t ...
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Can my muslim husband have a friendship with an older woman, because she is like his mother?

What relationships are lawful in Islam with husband and wife? Can my husband be in friendship with another women and give the excuse, that she is just like his mother? Is this permissible in Islam? I ...
Z.Dessouky's user avatar
6 votes
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Why are Muslims not allowed to make friends with Jews and Christians but you are allowed to marry them?

In the Qu'ran it says that making friends with Jews and Christians are haram: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Awliyaa’...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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Close friend with non muslim [duplicate]

I have a non-Muslim (Hindu) friend ... he mean me no harm. I ask him once if u have a chance will u accept islam. he said no. so now it has been more complicated for me after reciting Ayat no:28 of ...
Anik Hossain's user avatar
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Is it haram to withhold beneficial advice?

I have a friend who messaged me his approach when in an interview process for a certain academic program that accepts multiple students. He is technically competition, and his approach is weak and has ...
James McDermott's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it permissible for Muslims to join groups like Freemasonry?

Two of my brothers are from Turkey, Muslim, and are also Freemasons. I am Christian and sometimes Christianity does not accept joining and sometimes forbids people from joining the fraternity. They ...
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6 votes
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Is it haraam to have non-Muslim friends? [closed]

I have heard conflicting information on what place a Non-Muslim holds in a Muslim's life. Are they brothers/sisters, or are they infidels to be avoided? Is a Muslim allowed to be friends or maintain ...
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