Linked Questions

17 votes
6 answers

Just reciting "Talak" thrice commits divorce?

According to my knowledge for a non-muslim to become muslim he/she has to recite sura' Fatia. And just reciting is not enough. It should be felt from heart and be believed. On the other hand just ...
Inshan's user avatar
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6 answers

Why are Muslims allowed to marry up to four women?

Why does Islam allow a man to marry up to four women, while women are allowed to marry only one man? What are the reasons behind this?
user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Are women allowed to work in Islam?

I was wondering if Muslim women are allowed to work outside of their home? Are there conditions where it is allowed? What if the husband's income isn't enough for the family?
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18 votes
4 answers

Why is Islam often perceived as sexist, aggressive and leaning towards genuine threats and violence?

I don't know if this question is too imprecise to be answerable; if people think so, let me know and I'll delete it... From the outside, Islam has quite a... reputation. Firstly, I should note that I ...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

What does being an obedient wife really mean? [duplicate]

As I understand, Muslim wives are required to be obedient: ... So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. ... -- Qur'an 4:34 ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Why does a man's witness count as two women's witness in Islam?

Why is it that whenever witnesses are required in Islam, two women are required to take the place of only one man? The Quran in Sura 2:282 says: And let two men from among you bear witness to all ...
Badger Cat's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "nikah" and the purpose of marriage?

I heard that the word "nikah" has a disgusting meaning to it? All this time I thought "nikah" meant marriage, but apparently it means to have sex. What is the main purpose of marriage in Islam? And ...
Iram Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is the fact that a woman inherits only half the share of a man a kind of injustice?

Wherever inheritance is on topic people quote those verses of the Qur'an, were we read the similar sentence: ... for the male, what is equal to the share of two females ... (see for example 4:11 ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does the father have to be present during the nikah or is his consent enough?

I want to know whether the father has to be present or is his consent enough? Along with two witnesses of course. A girl and boy would like to get married, the boys side has sent a proposal. The ...
Iram Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it permissible for a girl to reject a proposal?

If a girl doesn't like a proposal, can she reject it? I have always wanted to get marry to a person who has more knowledge and practices Islam more than I do. If I found the proposal from a person ...
tasneem's user avatar
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Wali's right to marry off a virgin without her consent in different madhahib

Sparked by this question I did some reading up on marrying off young girls. I'm posting unabridged sections from Reliance of the Traveler to give the full context of my question. My question is at the ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does Islam oppress women? [closed]

One of the most asked question about Islam is that, does Islam oppress women?
islampharm's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does a man have an enforceable right to his wife not leaving the house without his permission?

A controversial answer to Does Islam teach subjugation and inequality of women, or is that due to a wrong interpretation of the religion? states: ... the husband can determine where she lives, ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any text to support the view that a woman's place is in the home?

I know traditionally in most Muslim societies, the majority of women have been confined to the job of housewife and domestic duties. And some conservative Muslims to this day believe that because of ...
AbuMariam's user avatar
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Any other procedure for Divorce for women other than Khula?

Someone asked me and i don't know the answer so please anyone have the answer then reply me that is, in islam, is there is any way for women to take divorce other than khula and her husband is so ...
Aleena's user avatar
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