You must know that this question as stated is somewhat broad as you are not yet married, and many things could happen from now till then. And a forced marriage needs in first place have taken place which is not the case so far!
Be aware that the validity of a marriage in first place depends on you. This means if the contract has been made and you had intercourse with this man this marriage is valid as you left all your options of saying "no" or rejecting it out and just leave it happen. In this case you will have (about) no valid juridical excuse to prove that you have been forced.
Also even if the ahadith that quotes an acceptance of a woman or girl like:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission). (See for example in Sahih al-Bukhari)
are accepted by all scholars the interpretations are different and this is a short overview (for details and cases you may refer to this Arabic article): The majority of scholars consider it as legal for the father (shafi'is add the grandfather too) to marry his virgin girl without her consent, and consider the acceptance of the girl only as recommended. Note that this verdict is in first place based on the fact that a father or even grandfather would be able to make a good or better choice for a young girl which has no experience in life, while she might make a choice based on apparent or superficial matters like looks, money etc..
While hanafis (even if it feels like this is also common in Turkish families in Europe) and dhahiris take the hadith literally and say "no even a virgin girl must express her acceptance".
Nevertheless one could say that the strongest opinion on which there's a wide consensus is that it is not permissible to marry a mature girl against her will.
And if a woman felt bad about her marriage in such a case she is allowed to search help from a court to get talaq. But the further the matter develops the more the burden of proof raises for you. Therefore it is better to stop as early as possible as you can't be certain that this will end "well" for you if you kept quite.
What you must/should do is express your rejection to your father (tell him your reasons) and stop phoning with this guy and meet him in further occasions only in presence of a mahram and also clear the matter with him maybe your fear/doubts are unfounded.
And remember the words of Allah the almighty:
... But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. ... (2:216)