Sad story, sorry to read it, I wonder how many on this forum may agree that once a man has made up his mind to divorce his wife in favour of his new prospective wife due to whatever reasons, it is a matter of time either few days or a few months he might break of the marital relations regardless of the laws
Laws are one thing and how the laws are interpreted and what strategy the lawyers use in presenting the case on behalf of their clients(money) and what sort of conviction a judge is going to give based on the presentation of the case is complex.
For instance in India many criminals get away from the clutches of the law if they can afford the most cunning lawyers and 60% of the so called law makers of India have themselves criminal record(as per the election commission of India)
Laws on divorce may or may not allow Triple Talaq based on the rational interpretations of the Quran and hadith traditions and the laws by the Indian Government or the Indian Ummah based Islamic Courts or bodies may prevent triple Talaq
But the greater issue is once a married couple ( husband or wife) have started hating each other, suspicious of each other’s honesty and chastity and have made up their minds to break off relations no matter what, then the law preventing Triple Talaq and forcing them to give a gap of say three months or so may not work effectively in most of the cases.
Preventing instant Talaq may be a stop gap temporary measure and the long lasting solution is firmer Eeman, stronger taqwa and the fear that in Islam divorce is the one thing that Allah has allowed but the same thing that shakes Allahs Arsh(power)
By nature and disposition we come across people both men and women falling into many categories, some are tough, jealous, oppressive, insecure and some are even adulterous and such issues grow into irreconciliable differences and lead to a quick or delayed divorce