How do I 100% know for sure that Islam is the truth? How can I be sure that the Islamic worldview - of what Islam says about this world and the afterlife - is true? Can I do better do then just "have faith/iman"? I do feel good after devotional acts of worship but it seems like I need more and these feelings are rather subjective. Is there more than just arguments about the Qur’an (hasn't changed in 1400 years, written in an Arabic that cannot be replicated, scientific argument interpreted to be true)? I am tired of rational arguments as rationality can only come so far, is so malleable, and will not give you a deep sense of spiritual certainty - only logical implications from certain arguments.
How do I make sure that I am not rationalizing to myself that Islam is the true religion, but rather come to a point where I know it is? Because if you want something to be true - then you will rationalize to yourself until you convince yourself that it is true. If you are Christian, then you will rationalize the world through a Christian lens and believe your worldview is the ultimate truth and that Jesus will save you. Likewise in the case of Islam, or any other belief system. I want to be a good Muslim but I need a deeper level of conviction in order to survive in this world.