When I was 16 years old, I had sex with my older male cousin. It was not consensual and I had always wanted to wait until I was married to have any sexual relations. after that day I fooled myself into thinking that if I continued to have a relationship with him and eventually married him then my sin would lessen. I remained in a relationship with him with 2 years. And in the rare times i saw him, I had sex with him. after years of verbal and physical abuse, I ended the relationship and have repented to Allah and asked for forgiveness, and pray that I am exonerated from this sin. I have not seen or heard from him in over 2 years.
That is my sexual history. No man has ever touched/kissed me since my cousin, nor will I let anyone until I am married.
My worry is now I am 21 and my parents are looking for a suitable partner for me. I want someone who is religious and encourages me to be more religious as well but I am worried once he knows about my past he will say no and spread rumors about me. (this could very well happen). With an arranged marriage it is tricky to know when is the right time to mention if one has had sex in the past. Should I be honest right away? Wait a few months into the engagement to mention it? Wait until after marriage? Or would it be permissible to not say anything about it altogether.
I am truly repentant of my mistakes and I am worried about it now more than ever.