All these calculation methods have some error ratio and the value of this ratio increases if you use the wrong method for the wrong location, as each method works best with a specific location. Which means in your location the ISNA (Islamic society of North America) method will be -at least among- the best.
Most of these methods consider special rulings of different madhhabs, so one can't pretend the time differences have to do with madhhab view rather than with errors in the calculation methods which rely on more or less localized data.
For example the Umm al-Qura method works best in the Arabic peninsula in other places this method may give you prayer beginning times that are either too early (which is definitely bad) or too late (which might be good if you don't wait till the end time of a prayer to pray).
In Europe (at least south and middle Europe) the Muslim world league method is fine.
For more details see Figuring out right calculation method of prayer time where I have tried to answer this more deeply and added some practical hints.