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Ammaar Amareki's user avatar
Ammaar Amareki's user avatar
Ammaar Amareki
  • Member for 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

Is it Halal to work at PayPay Corporation as a Senior Software Developer?

1 vote

Is it true that the pagans used to walk around the Kaaba as well?

1 vote

Will it be a sin if a person exposed his private part for class 1 medical checkup For pilot training?

1 vote

Praying in a room with pictures

1 vote

If you swear by Allah just because I could not control mytongue about something false what should I do should I feed 10 poor people or should I fast 3

1 vote

Madhabs and talfiq?

1 vote

Talking to non mahram

1 vote

Why am I disintrested?

0 votes

Paying back interest of a loan with interest earned from a bank acciunt

0 votes

Farting and breaking wudu

0 votes

Having intrusive thoughts

0 votes

Waswas about najasa

0 votes

Is Betting money on stopping a sin Haram?

0 votes

at what age does obligation starts on a boy? does it start on age 15

0 votes

Marriage Law according to Islam

0 votes

What is the authenticity of this narration by Umar RA?

0 votes

Liya Zaurbekova, situation