Linked Questions

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Are Hadiths the word of God and why are there Hadiths if there is the Quran? [duplicate]

I have been suffering with weak iman lately and i keep on having these doubts
googler5's user avatar
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Do muslims believe that everything that is Allah reveals to Muhammad is in Quran? [duplicate]

I read a bunch of articles This For example, claims that according to Muhammad, Allah prohibits anal sex. http://wakeup313.blogspot....
user4234's user avatar
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Where does the quran mention us to reffer to hadith? [duplicate]

I want to know if the quran mentions to us, if in doubt or need more clarity in quran reffer hadith. Please provide proof only from the quran. Thank you and sorry for my bad english :)
Shane Slade's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the ruling regarding Hadith Rejecters? [closed]

I'm looking for Sunni view. Please mention if Shia view is presented. I have seen people who outright rejects Hadith and says that a lot of changes have been made to the Hadith, so its it not ...
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8 votes
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If I convert, must I have a beard?

Basically what I said. If I convert and become a Muslim, am I required to grow/maintain a beard?
Ryan Bruhl's user avatar
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Is there any reason to not follow only the Quran and reject the sunnah?

The Quran starts with verse This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah In this verse God says that Quran is a guidance, so this means if follow Quran i ...
Emcamp Inline's user avatar
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Do I go to hell for not believing in the Hadith at all?

I don't think I can believe in even the most authentic Hadith out there, because they all seem to be made up or fabricated in one way or another. Now my question is, that, If I reject and refuse to ...
newtoislam's user avatar
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Does the Quran forbid hadith? [closed]

I ask this because there are some verses in the quran that perhaps allude to the rejection of hadith, such as: 45:6 "in which other hadith will they believe after God and his verses?" 6:38 "And ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Why are there so many uncertainties and differences in the performance of Salah?

Why are there so many uncertainties and differences in performing the Salah? One school says this, another says the other, Some group of people believe this to be true, the other believes something ...
Yosef's user avatar
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Are Muslims required to believe in things which are irrelevant to the message of the Quran? [closed]

We Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of Allah, not the hadith and not the sirah. So if a Muslim rejects an authentic hadith that has nothing to do with the message of the Quran, will he/she ...
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Why do muslims believe in hadiths and scholars?

I understand the argument that the Quran is the word of God as told to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, and, hence, enjoys divine protection and its message cannot be corrupted by mere humans. Hence, ...
Gurugul's user avatar
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Can Sunnah abrogate Quran?

Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in. I came across with claim "Sunnah can abrogate Quran". So, Can Sunnah ...
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-1 votes
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Believing in Hadith

Muslims believe in the Quran, that it's the very words of Allah, and that it's Him who protect it. Now my question is whether the Islamic hadith and, in particular, those compiled in Saih Bukhari, are ...
Ali Khan's user avatar