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Questions tagged [jahannam]

جهنم is the Arabic equivalent of Hell.

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Question about the hadith where the prophet ﷺ said that someone prays 60 years but one of his salah will be accepted [duplicate]

Salam aleykium, My question is about : The Prophet ﷺ said, “Indeed a person may pray for sixty years, yet not a single ṣalāh of his will be accepted. Perhaps he perfected the rukūʿ but not the sujūd, ...
T. B.'s user avatar
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I want to know about if have a knowledge of Barzakh and sins

How sins work? When person sins, a black spot will be in heart, when person seek forgiveness from Allah or recite Quran, it will remove their black spot on his heart like a medicine to make them hear ...
Mohamed Mohamed's user avatar
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Can someone that died upon shirk go to Jannah?

Now in Islam we know shirk is the sin that will take you to jahannam My question is if someone dies upon shirk (Hindu, believing Jesus is god, Trinity. Etc) but they never heard of Islam or got the ...
kazi's user avatar
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How death is erased in the afterlife?

I want to ask a question out of curiosity, it's a matter of the afterlife. In a hadith that I once read, that the Prophet said "death will be brought in the form of a black and white sheep, then ...
Aziz Rahma's user avatar
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Is it okay to pray to god to destory hell?

It is a win win situation if Hell is destroyed. So what about praying to god to destory Hell so that all Jin and Mankind will enter paradise. So is it wrong according to Quran to pray to god to remove ...
suhailvs's user avatar
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A proper understanding of equality in salvation

It is narrated in: I asked, “Messenger of God, what happens to the offspring of believers?’’ He replied, “They are joined to their parents." I asked, “Although ...
Temporary Account's user avatar
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Will humans bow in prostration to Allah when they see Jahanam for the first time on judgement day?

Is it true that on judgement day, when every soul is able to see Jahanam for the first time, that everyone will bow in prostration to Allah. But Allah will say, ‘today is not the day of repentance, it ...
Maryam Ahmad's user avatar
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Multiple heavens

Referring to Is the "distance of 500 years" mentioned in the hadiths, a distance of walking?, I am looking for sources that state that there are multiple heavens. In Christian folklore, ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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Can a person “sincerely” disbelieve? If so, what’s their fate?

I’m not too familiar with the ins and outs of Islam, so forgive my ignorance. I was wondering, after Islam was revealed, whether a non-muslim could be admitted to paradise if he “sincerely” ...
user39111's user avatar
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What happens if you don't boycott all israeli products?

I try to boycott most of the products that support israel but not all, am i sinful for not boycotting and what kind of haram is it, do i take the rights of the palestinian people?
dill's user avatar
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What to do If you can't clean a place that you made dirty

What should you do If you cant' clean a place that you made unclean? If you for example step with your dirty shoes on a carpet or maybe put your dirty shoes on a chairseat but are unable to clean it ...
dill's user avatar
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Do I take the rights of someone if I for example make a video that contains music or should they be responsible for their actions?

If I for example want to start a youtube channel and the content is gaming and I play a game that contains something haram, like music and later I post that videoon youtube. If I put a warning in the ...
dill's user avatar
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What if I ask for death since I fear sinning [duplicate]

Is it permissible in this case? I have been looking around but can't find an asnwer
loopit's user avatar
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Do most muslims go to jannah without punishment?

I am talking about muslims from all ummahs: Musa, Isa, Ibrahim, Muhammad, and all prophets Allah sent. Do most go to jannah without jahannam?
loopit's user avatar
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Can the souls of evil humans/jinn become Shayatin

Surah 6:112 speaks about “shayatin among humans and jinn”. I read there is a division of opinions regarding this verse. One side states, these are children of Iblis, who whisper into the mind of ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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Surah Al-A'raf verse 7:179 - Are we not among those who refuse to understand?

As we might already know, very few muslims today learn Quran by it's meaning. Many of us only learn to recite it. When asked, very few of them could answer that they knew the meaning of the verses ...
stackunderflow's user avatar
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Were there any major scholars who DIDN'T believe all muslims would eventually attain paradise?

The orthodox view from what I understand it, is that all muslims will ultimately enter heaven, even if it requires a period of chastisement. Were there any major scholars who disagreed with this, who ...
ahmedj's user avatar
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Did I commit Shirk for playing this game? [duplicate]

A few years ago my brother introduced me to a game that I played a lot. This game was based on Greek mythology and in it there was a character (which you play as) which was considered a god astaġfiru -...
Abdur Rafay's user avatar
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Does this count as suicide?

Does it count as suicide if one asks someone else to kill them since they can't do it themself? Would that person still go to hell?
aperson654's user avatar
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Is there any consensus on what happens to Jews and Christians upon death, in Islam? [duplicate]

I've searched and read a fair amount about this on the Internet, and opinions vary heavily. From "Christians and Jews go strait to hell", to "God is all-merciful and looks at the heart&...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Are Adam and Eve greatest sinners ever for having children?

All people that ever lived will live are descendants of Adam and Eve. And likely billions of these people went to hell because they have committed great sins or became non-believers. So much suffering ...
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Who is the 'Companion' in ayat 50:23 and 50:27?

I'm working with the Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation. 50:23. And his Companion will say: "Here is (his Record) ready with me!" 50:27. His Companion will say: "Our Lord! I did not make ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Is it haram to say that a non muslim or disbeliever will go to jahannam?

Assalamualaikum, is it haram to say that a non muslim or disbeliever will go to jahannam. I am pretty sure it's clearly written that a person who dies while not believing in Allah or associating ...
Rehan Sanadi's user avatar
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Is it possible to repent from shirk if I forgot what exactly I did?

Basically I was just repenting to Allah for all the things I did and I also wanted to repent for something really bad, but just some seconds later I forgot what exactly it was. Now I’m scared & ...
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What is the least torment in Jahannam?

I want wanted to share this with the community as it sometimes wonders my mind What is the least torment in Jahannam? The hadith of Numan ibn Bashir I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be ...
Islam's user avatar
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How to renconcile between 'testing on day of judgement' and Abdullah bin Abdul Mutallib being a dweller of hell?

As per hadith, abdullah and aminah will be dwellers of hell. As per surah mulk angels ask " did no warner come to you (hell entering people)" Testing on day of judgement of people between ...
Shaik Abdullah 's user avatar
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What will be the fate of a person who wore amulets and died without knowledge that its a sin?

A person wore amulets thinking it will protect him from evil eye and jinns etc...He has now passed away. Apparently it comes under minor shirk. The person didn't know he was sinning and he died ...
Soudlhan's user avatar
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On atheists going to hell

Clearly Allah mentions in the Quran that those who do not believe in the religion of Islam will abide in hell. But one needs to ponder over the existence of God before accepting it. Many brilliant ...
a_i_r's user avatar
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How is eternal hell justified

One justification I hear is that if the disbelievers were to stay alive on the earth forever they won't believe meaning their sin is infinite and thus their punishment should be infinite too. but even ...
LostPositron's user avatar
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Is "Zamharir" a part of Jahanam?

I recently came across a concept that one of the punishment in Hell is a very cold place called Zamharir. But I'm unable to find any supporting Hadiths with a valid sanad. Please guide.
Ahmed's user avatar
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Walking in front of a person who’s praying [duplicate]

So I was really sad about a certain situation which is why I was very absent-minded and I walked into the bedroom without paying attention & I accidentally laid down on the bed without noticing ...
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SEXTED as a child . Want to repent

Brothers, I am a boy who is 14 and I am a Muslim. Ever since I turned 13, I've tried to repent. When I was 12, I was in puberty where my hormones were raging and I SEXTED online with a 14-15 yr old ...
RedmanLFC's user avatar
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Repenting when sun rises from the west

Hi so im a revert and I just read that you can’t repent once the sun rises from the west. But I’m wondering, does that mean that if we commit sins after that we can’t repent? Or does that just mean ...
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Why are non-Muslims at a disadvantage by birth? Why will Muslims ultimately go to heaven, even if they don't research and follow God's commands? [closed]

Why is there facilitation for a child born in a Muslim Family as compared to a child born in a Non-Muslim Family? Why is struggle for a Muslim person born in a Muslim Family made easier as compared to ...
lookatmenow's user avatar
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Do all disbelievers go to Hell eternally including Muslims with low faith? [duplicate]

I’m a born Muslim. I became agnostic for a few years but I’ve went back to being a Muslim again, alhamdulillah. My family are also Muslim except my one of brothers became an agnostic and the other an ...
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Forced to commit shirk at school

Hey so I have 2 problems: one of my subjects, we have to organize something for this years halloween and I have to participate too. We’re gonna go to 3rd graders and teach them halloween ...
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Is your fate sealed in the Preserved Tablet?

In these verses of the Qur'an, they imply that our fate is pre-destined. He is the Knower of the unseen. Not an atom's weight escapes Him, be it in the heavens or the earth, nor what is smaller than ...
MinIlUrdunn's user avatar
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Can I possibly be forgiven for doing this?

Guys im really worried so a while ago I talked to an anonymous person on the internet and they may have committed shirk because of something I said but I only really thought about it now. I heard that ...
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Asked for hell if i do this sin and i did it

Assalamu alaikum, I had prayed to allah asking him to send me to hell if i did this sin and i did it. What should i do now... I feel foolish for bwing so naive. I would be very grateful for an answer. ...
Ribiekalathil's user avatar
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What happens if you sin before sleeping?

My question is, what would happen to a person if they committed a sin and didn’t repent, but prior to falling asleep, they recited the Shahada? In Islam, if one’s final words are the Shahada, they ...
AcidicProgrammer's user avatar
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Did i break the promise?

Salam. I wanted to ask that i promised Allah that i wont watch porn and since then i have not watched it but there was a video where the person wasnt completely naked but there were sexual acts and i ...
user44250's user avatar
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I broke an oath (qasam)

Assalam o alaikum . I am a Muslim girl and since i was 12 , i did not know that breaking.a qasam is so bad , i broke many oaths with Allah bcz i thought i will just repent i was baligh and now i know ...
user44250's user avatar
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Will missing salah be forgiven and not punished for?? And can a hafidh go hell?

I saw this and started crying.. is it true because I’m very scared and asked for forgiveness: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “A person neglecting his Salat (even though he makes it up later) ...
Ahmed Yusuf's user avatar
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How do I reconcile these three ayat on the foods available in hell?

According to Surah Al Haqq, the only food in Hell is the washing of wounds: "Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds," (69:36) According to Surah Gashiya, it ...
Asan Ramzan's user avatar
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Is heaven sentient being like hell?

In Islamic youtube videos I learned that Hell is sentient being. It mentioned that the hell is being dragged by 70k (I think) angels and which it will take 3 types of evil people before judgments day. ...
Hegao's user avatar
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Why is it believed that a Muslim will eventually get out of hell?

To best of my knowledge, according to the most common interpretation, if a person is assigned to hell in the afterlife, he will stay there forever except if he's a Muslim. It's believed that, a Muslim ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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What's the ruling on a person who studies Islam sincerely, but ends up disbelieving?

Suppose a person studies Islam with a sincere heart, but does not find the arguments in favor of Islam genuinely convincing, and dies as a non-Muslim. Does Islam differentiate between such an ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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What are the differences between companions of right and people in front?

In Chapter 56, Quran says people will be put into three groups in the Day of Judgment: companions of left, companions of right, and people in front (or foremost). From the some verses in this chapter, ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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What happens to someone who is forbidden to both heaven and hell?

From what I understand, there are certain deeds that can make a person forbidden to enter hellfire. Likewise, there are certain deeds that also make a person forbidden to enter paradise. What would ...
Guest's user avatar
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How do I stop receiving everything from Allah so that I don't have to be grateful? [closed]

It's unlikely for me to completely enter into Islam. Also I need to be saved from fire and horrible Angels of punishment hereafter. So I urgently need to stop receiving everything from Allah so that ...
ishtiak's user avatar
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