Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters. Does the wife in Islamic marriages have a say in whether the husband gets to marry more women? In Islam, a man can marry up to 4 women, but can a wife reject that proposal? I feel like some women wouldn't be comfortable with that and wouldn't wish to "share" their husband, and I've read that the only solution for women who don't want to be with a husband who wishes to marry more women is to divorce their husband according to their "marriage contract", but is it really just an either-or? I'm a man myself, but I was just curious about this. Of course, if it's not allowed, then I cannot disagree with the word of Allah. Allah knows best. Thank you.
Edit: Again, for anyone reading my comment and thinking about disliking or are mad about it, I'm not against it if Allah has said it's impermissible. I will put my own feelings and opinions aside always if Allah has said how it is. I know Allah knows best and that my personal opinion has no say in Islamic rules. So I kindly ask anyone that's come across this question to not take it the wrong way. I'm simply curious.