The hadith which you are looking for is mentioned under the header:
أفعال فعلها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تؤدي إلى إباحة استعمال مثلها.
Actions that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's prayers and blessings be upon him, did that lead to the permissibility of using something like (or doing alike) them.
٦٥٣٣ - أخبرنا الحسن بن سفيان، قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا محمد بن شعيب، قال: حدثني عتبة بن أبي حكيم، أنه سأل سليمان بن موسى عن الرجل ينظر إلى فرج امرأته، فقال: سألت عنها عطاء، فقال: سألت عنها عائشة فقالت: كنت أغتسل أنا وحبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من الإناء الواحد تختلف فيه أكفنا، وأشارت إلى إناء في البيت قدر ستة أقساط (Source)
6533 - Al-Hasan ibn Sufyan told us, he said: 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Ibrahim told us, he said: Muhammad ibn Shua'ib told us, he said: 'Utbah bin Abi Hakim told me, that he asked Sulayman ibn Musa about a man looking at his wife’s private parts, and he said: I asked Ata' about it, and he said: I asked 'Aisha about it, and she said: I and my beloved Messenger of Allah, may Allah's bless him and grant him peace, used to wash from one vessel in which our palms were separated, and she pointed to a vessel in the house that was equal to six aqsaat (entities*).
*: 6 entities is the literal translation of 6 aqsaat (plural) ستة أقساط which is a description of a volume called qist (singular) قسط which is equal to half a Sa'a صاع which is sometimes quantified as 2.035 kg as per the majority view or 3.25 kg according to the view of the Hanfis and also quantified as 4.2125 liters (at minimum) so that 6 aqsaat should be equal to a volume of ~ 12.6375 liters (at minimum).
One thing should be said all narrators of this hadith are regarded as narrators of sahih. Except with Sulayman ibn Musa whom ibn Rajab in his Fath al-Barry stated:
وسليمان بنِ موسى، مختلف في أمره.
Sulayman ibn Musa is a narrator on which people disagree.
Sho'aib al-Arnaoot who commented on the book of Amir ibn Balban al-Farisi (linked by @UmH) who let's say re-assembled Sahih ibn Hibban by ordering it properly as was initially intended by the author in his introduction, said that he couldn't find this hadith anywhere else. And he described Sulayman ibn Musa as a narrator and faqih of a-Shaam from whom trustworthy people would report.
Al-Arnaoot qualifies him as sadooq and with a good memory.
وهو عندى ثبت صدوق (See here under the comment line in)
Which actually is the position of ibn 'Ady on him in his book al-Kamil fi a-Do'afaa' as you may read here and in the following pages.
While ibn Rajab stated that the hadith in question was also reported and compiled by ibn 'Ady and Harb al-Kirmani in his al-Masaa'il (See #392 here) while Baqy ibn Makhalad reported it via Sadaqah ibn Khaalid from 'Utbah ibn abi Hakim (while in Sahih ibn Hebban the student of 'Utbah reporting it was Muhammad ibn Sho'aib محمد بن شعيب).
See here and in the next page in Fath al-Bari:
خرجه حرب الكرماني وابن عدي.
وخرجه بقي بن مخلد من طريق صدقة بن خالد: نا عتبة بن أبي حكيم - فذكره بنحوه.
Note that the book of Baqy ibn Makhalad is unfortunately one of the lost jewels of hadith literature and the book of ibn 'Ady where the hadith was mentioned is not named... maybe it was mentioned in his al-Kamil fi do'afa' a-Rijal and i missed it... It is interesting that ibn Rajab (736-795 a.H.) knew of the sanad of Baqy ibn Mukhallad, while a-Dhahabi (637-748 a.H.) already stated it was lost.