I recently stumbled upon an article on facebook saying
It is sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to pray 2 witr before 2 fard in Fajr.
That ha set in me so strong that I started praying but now I want to find a source and where it is mentioned?
I recently stumbled upon an article on facebook saying
It is sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to pray 2 witr before 2 fard in Fajr.
That ha set in me so strong that I started praying but now I want to find a source and where it is mentioned?
Alhamdulillah it is good that your making action on Witr salaat.
According to the school of Imaam Abu Hanifah rahmatullah alayh, Witr salaat is Waajib (Necessary) to be performed falling Salatul ‘Ishaa.
Check this out https://islam.stackexchange.com/a/40931
The strictest position that I have read from bodies of ‘Ulamaa such as the Mujlisul ‘Ulamaa of Port Elizabeth South Africa is that the Fajr salaat that is performed without Witr, must be repeated with Witr being made qadha.
The best time to perform Witr is following Tahajjud.