jins are essentially aliens because they can see us, we cant see them, they can travel faster then fastest (because a jin transported throne of sulaiman allaihis salam over a great distance in a period that is described in quran as shorter than the speed of blink of eye). jins can go outside earth they are not dependent on oxygen (smokeless flame means literally no combustion = no byproduct). They can materialise into humans and animals.
what more charechteristics of aliens do you want to see(from fiction or something sci-fi). I'm sorry but we already know them and a lot of there charechteristics.
When Quran was revealed 1400 years ago, a verse also related to jins stated them having families, tribes and even horses (perhaps jin horse) as means of transportation, same as we humans had that time (but the horse we can see), if we have evolved this much, planes rockets and such, I see no harm in assuming that they have something similar more or less.
Also from Surah Nas : the last three verses make it clear that jin have the ability to affect our subconcious mind.
These are all the things that I think an advanced life form may have. Afterall iblis also had ego over his being a higher life form than us humans