While listening to a seerah lecture about the battle of Mu'tah, the lecturer made an interesting statement. First, the setup (paraphrased):
Zayd ibn Thabit took the flag. Immediately, the Muslims were surrounded, and he was killed. Then Ja'far ibn Abi Talib took the flag, and again he was killed. Then Abdullah ibn Rawaha hesitated, said a poetry to himself, and took the flag, and was killed.
Then, his statement (again paraphrased):
Because of his hesitation, he was given a slightly farther away bed (in Paradise)
I believe he indicated that this statement is a Hadith of Rasulullah, although I cannot find any mention of it when I search online (in English).
Please identify this source for me, along with the full statement, in at least English (bonus if you also get the Arabic version).