On another page, where the question asks if the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used humour in his daily life, one user gave a very nice answer, but I wanted to clarify something: The date incident that has been used as an example in the user's answer, is it a hadith or from the See-rah? And is it possible for anyone to find me an authentic source of this information?

The date seed incident, as quoted from this answer, is as follows:

One incident I remember is when the Prophet (saws) was with Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) and they had a dozen dates. As they were about to finish, Ali (ra) saw some people approaching. He quickly moved the pile of 6 pits that he had to the Prophet (saws)'s pile and jocularly told the passersby that the Prophet (saws) had kept all the dates to himself and didn't share! The Prophet (saws) in good spirits said right back: Look at Ali, he eats the dates and he eats the pits as well! (because he didn't have any pits on his side).

This is the page on which I found that answer:

Did the Prophet Muhammad (saws) use humor with those around him?

I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this. Thanks :)

  • I checked sunnah.com and couldn't find any reference to this hadith. Did you try Google? Maybe some you can find another site that reports it with the source.
    – ashes999
    Commented Jan 8, 2013 at 15:48

1 Answer 1


Shia Muslims have a similar Hadeeth but with small distinctions such that neither the holy prophet nor Imam Ali --peace be upon them-- lie during their conservation (the lies in the cited Hadeeth: the Prophet (saws) had kept all the dates to himself and didn't share! and Look at Ali, he eats the dates and he eats the pits as well). Shia version is as follows:

في كتاب (زهر الربيع) «انّ رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله كان يأكل رطبا مع أمير المؤمنين عليه السّلام، و كان يضع النّوى قدام أمير المؤمنين عليه السّلام و هو لا يلتفت، فلمّا فرغا، كان النوى كله في الطرف الذي يأكل فيه أمير المؤمنين عليه السّلام، فقال له رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله: «يا على! انك لأكول؟» فقال على عليه السّلام: «يا رسول اللّه! الأكول الذي يأكل التمر و نواه» فتبسّم رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله. هكذا نقله جدّنا الأعلى، و لم يذكر له مدركا، لكنّنا لمّا كنّا في مقام البحث و التنقيب عند تسطير هذه السطور، وجدناه مع تفصيل أكثر، و هو على ما يلي، لكنّ النقل بالمعنى، لأنّ الكتاب الذي نقلنا منه (كوكب درّى في فضائل علي عليه السّلام) بالأردوية، و هو هذا: نقل في كتاب (لطائف الطوائف) أنه ورد في روايات عديدة: أنّ رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله كان يأكل التمر يوما مع أصحابه، و كان يضع النوى قدام على عليه السّلام مزاحا و كانت الأصحاب أيضا كذلك يفعلون باشارته صلّى اللّه عليه و آله. فلمّا فرغوا من الأكل، سأل رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله مخاطبا الى أصحابه: «من الأكول فيما بينكم؟». فقالوا: «يا رسول اللّه! من كثرت نواه فهو أكول». فأجاب علي عليه السّلام فورا: «من أكل التمر مع النوى فهو أكول». فقال رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه و آله: «ان أخي على بن أبي طالب غالب غير مغلوب، لأنني مدينة العلم و علي بابها»

source: سید نعمت الله جزایری، کشف الأسرار في شرح الإستبصار، ج1، ص: 165

... The holy prophet --peace be upon him and his household-- was eating dates together with a number of his companions (including Imam Ali --peace be upon him--) and was putting his pits in front of Imam Ali --peace be upon him-- and was inspiring to his companions to do the same puuting their pits in front of him, kidding. When they finished eating the holy prophet --peace be upon him and his household-- asked his companions "who is the most eater among you?" They answered "Oh apostle of Allah! one whose pits are more he is the most eater!" [see no lie is stated here], Imam Ali --peace be upon him-- instantaneously answered back "whoever eats dates with their pits is the most eater!". [again note the word "whoever" which survives the statement from being a lie] The holy prophet --peace be upon him and his family-- then said: "it is true and noway false that my brother Ali ibn AbiTaleb is a winner never defeated, as I am the city of knwoledge and Ali is its gate."

Actually AFAIK this Hadeeth is not a very strongly authentic one due to Sanad, however, as the Hadeeth contains no religious rule and is not disrespectful as well (but even wise and respectful) it might be acceptable.

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