We were in the company of the Prophet (ﷺ) at a banquet and a cooked
(mutton) forearm was set before him, and he used to like it. He ate a
morsel of it and said, "I will be the chief of all the people on the
Day of Resurrection. Do you know how Allah will gather all the first
and the last (people) in one level place where an observer will be
able to see (all) of them and they will be able to hear the announcer,
and the sun will come near to them. Some People will say: Don't you
see, in what condition you are and the state to which you have
reached? Why don't you look for a person who can intercede for you
with your Lord? Some people will say: Appeal to your father, Adam.'
They will go to him and say: 'O Adam! You are the father of all
mankind, and Allah created you with His Own Hands, and ordered the
angels to prostrate for you, and made you live in Paradise. Will you
not intercede for us with your Lord? Don't you see in what (miserable)
state we are, and to what condition we have reached?' On that Adam
will reply, 'My Lord is so angry as He has never been before and will
never be in the future; (besides), He forbade me (to eat from) the
tree, but I disobeyed (Him), (I am worried about) myself! Myself! Go
to somebody else; go to Noah.' They will go to Noah and say; 'O Noah!
You are the first amongst the messengers of Allah to the people of the
earth, and Allah named you a thankful slave. Don't you see in what a
(miserable) state we are and to what condition we have reached? Will
you not intercede for us with your Lord? Noah will reply: 'Today my
Lord has become so angry as he had never been before and will never be
in the future Myself! Myself! Go to the Prophet (Muhammad). The people
will come to me, and I will prostrate myself underneath Allah's
Throne. Then I will be addressed: 'O Muhammad! Raise your head;
intercede, for your intercession will be accepted, and ask (for
anything). for you will be given. "
Verily the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) recited the words of Allah, the
Great and Glorious, that Ibrahim uttered. My Lord! lo! they have led
many of mankind astray:" But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me"
(al-Qur'an, xiv. 35) and Jesus (peace be upon him) said:" If thou
punisheth them, lo! they are Thy slaves, and if Thou forgiveth
them-verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise" (al-Qur'an, v 117). Then he
raised his hands and said: O Lord, my Ummah, my Ummah, and wept; so
Allah the High and the Exalted said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad (though
your Lord knows it fully well) and ask him: What makes thee weep? So
Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to him and asked him, and the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) informed him what he had said (though Allah
knew it fully well). Upon this Allah said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad
and say: Verily We will please thee with regard to your Ummah and
would not displease thee.