so I have been trying to become a better Muslim by learning what is allowed and what is not, and I have stumbled across the permissibility of eating meats. From what I know, we can only eat halal and Zabiha meats. The thing is however, in Texas most restaurants are not halal, so is it okay if I eat Buffal Wild Wings? Please use evidence as support if you can. Thanks all
2Here some related posts: Is it permissible to eat chicken and beef in a non-muslim country with further references and How can we be sure that commercial businesses e.g. McDonalds serves halal food in a Muslim country– Medi1Saif ♦Commented Mar 16, 2018 at 7:43
Kosher is also halal (5:5), if you can ensure that no wine is used.– UmH ♦Commented Mar 17, 2018 at 14:36
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1 Answer
You have answered your own question. Just use a bit of deductive reasoning:-
Muslims cannot eat meat that is not Halal and Zabiha
Texas restaurants are not halal except when they are clearly labelled as halal
Thus, Muslims cannot eat from Texas restaurants except when they are clearly labelled as halal
@NB . I'm sure there are at least a few halal restaurants there.– The ZCommented Mar 16, 2018 at 0:15
There is literally one that’s 35 minutes away from where I live and all the other halal restaurants are over an hour away unfortunately. I have eaten out a lot so I know the area pretty well.– NXBTCommented Mar 16, 2018 at 12:59