Assalamu alaikum. I am learning how to read Arrabic alphabets and how to read Quran. I'm slightly confused with something:
In the first verse of Sura Al-Faatiha, the spelling suggests the following reading
Bismi Allahi alrahmani alraheemi.
But the actual reading that I heard from many recitations are like
So the 'al' was connected really fast, almost indistinguishable to my ear. And the 'i' in the end of 'alraheemi' was omitted.
My second example is the third verse of Al-Faatiha, which looks to me like
Maliki yawmi aldiyni
But in the recitations it was like
Maliki yawmi-diyn
So again 'al' was connected really fast and 'i' in the end was omitted.
Please help me understand the correct way to read the suras (I guess the word is tajweed), or point me toward some references. Thank you very much.