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How often should I pay Zakat?

Since it's Ramadan now, how much Zakat should I pay? Do I pay the Zakat everyday? Even on normal days (not Ramadan), do I pay the same Zakat? What about Zakat Eid Al Fitr? I'm a single woman who ...
Have Patience's user avatar
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Can money be donated instead of food for Sadaqah Fitr?

Q: Can money be donated instead of food for Sadaqah Fitr? I already read this answer: and this fatwa: both of which favor ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Who is eligible to receive Sadqa Fitr?

Sadqa fitr is something(money) that we(Muslims) offer at the end of the Ramazan. But it is entirely different from Zakat. May I know what is the amount of Sadqa Fitr that a Muslim should a pay and who ...
defau1t's user avatar
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