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Did someone took birth in bayt ul mamur?

Shia believe Ali bin abi Talib was born inside Kaaba. My question is does someone have birthplace as bayt ul mamur? Bayt ul mamur is kaabah/qiblah of heavenly creatures located on highest heaven. ...
Shafi bin Kaleemullah 's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it permissible to build a building taller than Kaaba around it?

I have heard that it is not permissible to make any buildings taller than Kaaba around it. For instance there is a very tall clock as a very tall building which has been built so taller than Kaaba. (...
HELE-HELE   الاهواز's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Was Hazrat Ali (RA) born inside the kabba with the walls cracked?

I heard that Imam Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) was born inside the Ka'bah, that is the walls cracked and he was delivered inside the kaabah. My question is what is the validity of this story ...
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