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6 answers

Why does Islam seem so much more like Judaism than like Christianity?

Islam comes chronologically after Judaism, and then Christianity. Assuming that Islam considers Christianity to be sort of an update to Judaism (is that wrong?), and that Islam is the final, ...
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Who is a Jew... According to Muslims?

In Islam, Ahlul al-Kitaab have a special, protected status. For example, a Muslim man may marry a Jewish or Christian woman. Because of this, it is relevant to determine who is a Jew or a Christian. ...
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What is the ruling on non-Muslims having Temples, Churches and Synagogues in Muslim lands?

Are non Muslims allowed to build, repair or worship in places such as Churches, Temples and Synagogues in Muslim occupied lands, if they are living under Muslims as Dhimmis or have a peace treaty with ...
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How should Muslims treat houses of worship of other Religions?

According to the Verse of Surat al Hajj (22:40) Muslims shouldn't destroy houses of worship or religious places of other Religions (Ahl-Al-Kitab to be correct). But what if for some reasons in an ...
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Who are the Sabians? [duplicate]

I've seen several groups "identified" with them from the Mandeans to the Hermeticist but as mentioned above I'm distrustful of Wikipedia and the Internet at large.
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