Kufr is meant for to refuse,to disbeleive.A things that is described Haram in the Quran & if u take it as acceptable(Halal) to u that is Kufr.If u have no idea about ur deed either it Haram or Halal then Allah is Gafuur.
U asked for Haribo at 9 yrs old & i predict then ur such knowledge was not developed either this is haram or not.
Now u are thinking that what u did was haram.
If u didn’t this knowledge then that was not kufr.But as u were involving with haram,u had better repent to Allah & sick for His forgiveness(Tawbah).
Again if u had knowledge that what u were doing was wrong that is close to Kufr.Actually Kufr is matther of beleif.
Doing wrong,i think is not,But Taking this wrong deed right for urself in spite of having knowledge of it is concerned with Kufr.
But Doing wrong having righteous mind is concerning.
Ur repeated such work may promote ur subconscious mind to take forbidden things as acceptable to urself that is Kufr.
Now,if u are concerned with kufr for anytime of ur lifespan and presently u can term it as Kufr then make Tawbah and seek from Allah to remain u at the way of Hidaith.Allah is Gafuur.Many Sahabi who were Kaffir at a certain time,became good muslim later & shouldn’t we follow them.